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"Lili?" Cole said softly, poking his head into their bedroom.

"What?" she mumbled, her head stuck under mounds of blankets and pillows.

"Are you going to get up?" he asked, making his way to their bed.

"I doubt it."

Lili had gotten into a major fight with one of her closest, but most toxic friends, and they were no longer on speaking terms. What Lili didn't understand was how much more she deserved than someone who wasn't willing to put any effort into their friendship. Still, though, Cole had always said that friends could break your heart more than anyone, and he stood by that even in this situation.

"Lili." Cole began, stroking his girlfriend's hair. She refused to meet his eyes.

"I'm okay." she said quietly, turning away from him.

"Baby, stop telling me you're okay," Cole spoke softly, "Can we please talk about this?"

"There's nothing to talk about, Cole." Lili said again, this time with more anger in her voice.

"When was the last time you ate?" he said, "Or showered? Or got out of bed for more than five minutes?"

Cole rose from their bed and pulled the curtains open, letting in the sunlight that Lili so desperately needed. She had been like this for more than three days, and Cole couldn't stand it anymore.

"I know you're sad Lils. But I also know that you don't deserve a friend who continually treats you like that." Cole said, pulling his girlfriend into his arms.

"I just hate anyone being upset with me." Lili whispered, leaning her head into Cole's chest.

"No one is upset with you. I promise."

Cole felt a faint smile from Lili, something she'd been lacking for the past seventy two hours.

"Here's what's going to happen," Cole said, "You're going to take a shower and change out of these clothes. Because I love you, but you smell. I'll make you some soup, then we'll watch a movie, okay?"

Lili smiled and kissed her boyfriend on the cheek. She was so lucky.

"Now that doesn't sound so bad," Lili responded, "Thank you for helping me get my shit together."

"That's what I'm here for," Cole chuckled, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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