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"I'm nervous." Cole said as the couple drove to Lili's house.

"Don't be nervous," Lili said calmingly, "My family loves you."

Cole smiled and placed a hand on Lili's thigh as they continued to drive along the North Carolina road. When they reached her parent's house, Cole quickly opened Lili's car door and grabbed her hand, leading her to the front door.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" Amy cheered as the two walked through the front door.

"Happy Thanksgiving, mom!" Lili answered softly, wrapping her in a hug.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. Reinhart." Cole added, spreading the biggest grin across his face.

"You know better than to call me Mrs. Reinhart," Lili's mom said, "It's so good to see you, Cole!"

The two embraced before entering the home, where Lili's entire family was waiting.

"There they are!" Lili's dad hollered, standing up to greet his daughter and her boyfriend.

"What a pleasure to finally meet you, Cole." her dad said, shaking his hand.

Lili's dad and oldest sister were the only people in Lili's direct family that Cole had yet to meet. Having Cole home for the holidays with her made everything seem so real. Like they were officially going to spend the rest of their lives with one another. One hour later, Lili's entire family was over. They sat around the table and got to know the guy that made their Lili so damn happy. In the midst of this, Cole felt a tug on his arm and looked down to find Addy, Lili's cousin and goddaughter.

"Will you come play with me?" Addy asked shyly, holding out a doll.

Lili looked to Cole and smirked, finding it completely ironic that the tough, artsy guy was being manipulated into playing dolls with a three year old.

"Of course!" Cole smiled, following Addy into the living room.

When Lili went to check on them two hours later, she found Cole and Addy in a chair fast asleep. Addy sat in Cole's lap and his chin was atop her tiny head. And all Lili could think about was how amazing of a dad he would be.

The next morning, Lili came downstairs to find her dad and Cole making breakfast.

"Good morning, sweetheart." her father said, kissing her on the forehead.

"Hey, dad." she responded sleepily.

"How'd you sleep, baby?" Cole asked, pecking her lips.

"The best," she smiled, "I assume you and Addy  were snuggled up all night."

"You're right." he laughed, placing a plate of breakfast in front of her.

Lili's family had a tradition of decorating the Christmas tree on Thanksgiving night. That night, they gathered around the tree, placing ornaments that held an abundance of memories on the tree.

"You ready to put the star on, Addy girl?" Amy asked, handing her the family artifact.

"But I can't reach it," she said defeated, walking up to Cole, "Will you lift me up?"

Cole looked around for approval, and Lili's family granted it. He lifted her high, where she placed the star atop the tree. Lili grabbed Cole's camera and snapped a picture. She'd never seen anything more special.

When they left North Carolina, Lili wasn't sad. Her heart was more full than it had ever been, and she couldn't stop thinking about how amazing it was to see Cole with her family. It truly was the happiest Thanksgiving ever.

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