new girl

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"Lili, come on. You're overreacting. How many times have you had to do a scene with another guy?" Cole asked on the way to work.

"Never a sex scene." she answered quietly, looking at her lap.

They'd gotten the call a few weeks ago that Cole would be filming a scene with a new female costar. Scenes he usually filmed with Lili. And only Lili.

"That's my job, hon. I'm sorry if it bothers you, but sometimes you just have to power through."

Lili sighed and sat silently until they reached the studio.

"Look at me," Cole said as he shut off the car, "I want you to watch every second of filming just so I can prove to you that you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Okay?"

"Okay." she smiled, grabbing his hand.

Thirty minutes later, the cast was in the common room, sharing stories and telling inside jokes. Lili had almost forgotten what she'd been so upset about just a shortly before. Until she was quickly reminded.

"Everyone, listen up," Roberto said, bringing the room to a silence, "This is Elena, she'll be playing Jughead's new love interest."

Lili felt Cole's grip on her thigh tighten as Elena made her way to the group. She watched as the new girl introduced herself to everyone, until she finally came to Lili and Cole.

"Well if it isn't Mr. Cole Sprouse," Elena laughed, "I seriously can't wait to work with you."

Elena had long, wavy brown hair, and the whitest teeth Lili had ever seen. She had the body of a super model, and couldn't stop smiling or rubbing Cole's shoulder. The worst part had nothing to do with her appearance, but rather her attitude. Elena wasn't the kind of person to be explicitly mean. Instead, she acted so nice it almost made you forget who she truly was. Lili just wished she'd realized that sooner.

"Lil?" she heard Cole say, interrupting her from her thoughts.

"I was just saying I can't wait to get to know you!" Elena said sweetly.

So damn charming.

"Oh," Lili muttered, completely caught off guard, "Me too."

"Be nice." Cole said through gritted teeth as his newest fictional love interest walked away.

Before Lili could even make an argument, she was interrupted yet again.

"Cole, Elena," Roberto yelled, "You're up."

Lili sighed and began following Cole to set. It felt as if all eyes in the room was on them, studying whether or not this 'lovebirds' act was a facade.


"I love you. Forever."

"I love you so much more. Forever."

Lili watched as her boyfriend's face inched closer to Elena's until there was no longer any length between them. She wanted so badly to look away, but she couldn't manage to shift her eyes from what could be a catastrophe.


Cole began to pull away, but Elena pulled him closer.

"CUT!" the director yelled again. She finally stopped.

Before anyone could act, Lili got up and stormed out of the room. Cole ran after her, prepared to save his relationship at whatever cost necessary.

"Baby?" he asked, peering his head into a small side room.

He found Lili curled up on the couch, crying quietly. No matter how many times Cole had seen his girlfriend in this state, his heart always broke.

"I told you!" she cried, sitting up so he could join her.

"Come here," Cole whispered, pulling Lili onto his lap, "I tried to pull away."

"I know." she sniffled, resting her head on Cole's shoulder, "It's not even about you or her or the two of you together."

"Then why are you so upset?"

"That's how we started."


"The first time I ever kissed you was during a scene. The director called cut, but I couldn't pull away. You were so fucking captivating," Lili explained through tears, "What scares me the most is that I fell in love with you in that very moment. And she could've too."

"Baby," Cole began, stroking his girlfriend's blonde hair, "The truth is, I fell in love with you right there, too. The entire world stopped. And everyday since then has brought me that same incomparable feeling. No one else has ever made me feel such a way, and no one else ever will."

"Promise me right now," Lili whispered, "That you will never leave me. You and me forever."

"I promise. You and me forever."

And it would never be broken.

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