we've come so far, my dear

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Lili smiled as she watched her boyfriend's contact photo light up on her screen, anxiously sliding over to answer his FaceTime call.

There he was. His eyes could still make her heart flutter, even if they were on the opposite end of the country. Those damn eyes.

"There's my girl," he said sweetly, "My badass, beautiful, successful girl."

Lili smiled at these words. It was when he wasn't with her that she realized how much she loved him. She would've given anything for five minutes with him right then and there. Yet the sound of his soft, raspy voice comforted her more than anything else could.

"Hi, baby." she gushed, flopping onto the hotel bed.

"So how was it?" Cole asked anxiously, "I want to hear every detail."

Lili had been in Los Angeles for a week working with a major company: American Express. Everything about it had been beyond surreal. It was so hard to believe that this was her life now. That she'd gone from hardly being able to afford gas, to staying in the Governors Penthouse at the Beverly Hill Hotel. Absolutely surreal.

"It's honestly been amazing," Lili gushed, "I just wish you were here."

"I know, baby. Me too." he said softly through the phone, a look of sadness overcoming his eyes.

They sat there quietly for a moment, wallowing in their own sadness as they remembered that they hadn't seen each other in weeks.

"Can I tell you something, Lils?"

"Of course."

"I am so fucking proud of you."

Lili smiled harder than she had during any of the countless life changing events she'd experienced the past few days.

"Cole..." she began, planning to refute his statement.

"Lili, I'm serious," he said softly, "You have come so far in such a short amount of time."

"I mean, not really."

"Don't even start," her boyfriend laughed, "You've practically made a poorly written, laughable television show into a global powerhouse, you starred in an award nominated and winning movie with some of the biggest household names in the country, you're on the cover of magazines and in commercials. And you just did a promo event with one of the biggest credit companies in the country."

Lili took a deep breath as tears welled in her eyes. She looked at her boyfriend on the opposite side of the screen and realized just how much she had accomplished. She was the type to belittle herself, no matter the situation. As she listened to the love of her life talk about how proud he was, she was quick to remind herself that above any recognition or prestige, he was the best thing that had come out of her career.

"Lili?" Cole asked, interrupting her from her thoughts, "You okay?"

"I'm just so happy." she choked out as tears rolled down each one of her cheeks.

"I love you so much." Cole whispered.

They weren't sure how it was possible to feel such a connection over something as simple and juvenile as a FaceTime call, yet it was easy for them to feel one and other's love from any corner of the world.

"I love you so much more," Lili said, wiping the tears from her face, "Thank you for being my infinite source of support."

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