the waiting room

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Lili laid in bed, waiting for Cole to walk through the door. He should have been back an hour ago. She knew that. And right on cue, as if the universe had sensed her worries, her phone began to ring. An unknown number.

"Lili Reinhart?" a man asked from the other line. She heard voices in the background.

"This is her."

"I'm sorry to inform you that your boyfriend has been in a car accident. We found him at an intersection and we're working on assisting him right now. His injuries are life threatening. You may want to meet us at the hospital, ma'am. It's not looking good."

Before she could answer, Lili threw on a pair of shoes and ran to her car. When she got to the hospital, she was still frozen in fear and shock. As if she were drifting above her own body, watching herself make every move.

"I'm Lili Reinhart, Cole Sprouse's girlfriend," she said frantically to the woman behind the desk, "I need to know where he is."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Reinhart, but we're not allowed to disclose that information to any non-family members." the nurse said, not lifting her eyes from the computer screen.

"I swear to God I will sue this entire facility and everyone in it if you don't tell me where his goddamn room is." Lili yelled, her voice breaking.

The woman cautiously looked around before saying, "232."

"Thank you. So much." Lili replied, running up the stairs before she ever got the chance to hear the nurse's response.

Maybe her unawareness of the entire situation had prevented her from preparing for seeing Cole. But then again, Lili didn't think anything could. He laid in the bed, almost lifeless, tubes coming from every part of him.

"Oh my god." she whispered, tears filling her eyes as she made her way to Cole's bedside table.

She squeezed his hand as hard as she could, staining it with tears.

"I don't know if you can hear me, but I need you to come back. I love you. And I can't do this without you, Cole. You have to come back. Please." Lili cried.

She waited for his eyes to flutter open, for him to tell her he wasn't going anywhere. Just like it happened in the movies. But Lili knew this wasn't a movie, and that fairytales didn't always have happy endings. Still, she kept talking.

"There's so much more I want to do with you. Travel the world. Get married. Adopt a dog. Have kids. Grow old together. I need you, Cole. I need you more than I need myself, or anything on this Earth. I'm not letting go, and neither are you."

Lili stared at her boyfriend, who even beyond recognition, was the most beautiful person she'd ever seen. He was lifeless. Gone. She laid her head on his stomach, sobbing into him as she'd done so many times before. Lili had never loved anyone the way she loved Cole. And there they were, genuinely broken.

"What're you crying about, baby girl?" she heard a raspy voice say.

"Cole," she muttered, "Oh my god."

"I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." he promised, squeezing her hand.

"Neither am I, my love," she sobbed, "Ever."

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