fist fight

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The day Lili had been dreading had come at last. She'd had body image issues since she was a teenager, terrified of other people seeing too much of her. Not only did she have to film a scene in a bikini today, but she had to watch her best friend kiss her boyfriend. She knew it meant nothing, but it made her uncomfortable nonetheless.

"You ready?" Cole asked from outside her trailer.

Lili walked out the door with her arms crossed over her stomach. As soon as Cole laid eyes on his girlfriend, his eyebrow raised. She looked amazing.

The two walked hand in hand to set, where the rest of the cast was waiting.

After filming the dreaded scene, Lili felt relieved. Happy, even. As she walked off the stage, she noticed Charles eyeing her in an unusual way. A way only Cole should be eyeing her. Before she knew it, he was standing in front of her, smirking at her body.

"Nice job." he said, winking and stroking her arm.

She pulled away and sheepishly smiled, hoping Cole hadn't noticed. But he had. Her angry boyfriend marched over to them, and immediately confronted Charles.

"What the hell was that, Melton?" he asked, his fists clenching.

"What?" Charles wondered innocently, "Can't help it."

Everything happened so fast, flashing before Lili's eyes. Seconds later, Cole and Charles were wrestling on the floor. Cole had thrown the first punch.

"Cole, stop!" Lili cried in horror, begging for someone to come help.

After three security guards wrestled the boys apart, Cole stood from the ground and grabbed Lili's hand. But she pulled away.

"You need to calm down." she said through gritted teeth, her hand on his chest.

"I'm sorry, Lil. I just-," he started. But it was too late. She was long gone.

That night, Cole sat on the balcony pondering over the days events. He knew he'd overreacted. He knew he'd made a mistake but he also knew he would never let anyone talk to her like that. Ever.

"Hey." Lili said from behind him.

"Hi, baby." he said softly, putting out his cigarette. He'd been trying to break his smoking habit, but that day had been stressful. He just couldn't help it.

"Wanna talk?" he asked as she made her way to  sit next to him.

"Maybe we should talk about the fact that you go fists flying when things don't go your way." she said, fidgeting with a piece of fuzz on her jeans.

"Look, I'm sorry," he began, "But I love you too much to let anyone do that to you."

"I love you too. But you can't punch someone in the face every time something like that happens." she said, taking hold of his hand.

"I know." he said quietly, letting his voice trail off. They sat in silence for the next few seconds.

"But everything's okay. I talked to Roberto and he said they're just going to keep you and Charles separated from now on." she told him as he kissed her on the forehead.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again," he promised, "I love you."

She leaned her head on his shoulder as the sun set over the mountains.

"I love you too."

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