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It was three o' clock in the morning, and Lili and Cole had been up talking since nine the night before. These were their favorite kinds of nights: the ones where they were so engulfed in one another's words and stories that all they could do was listen.

"What do you want in life?" Lili asked Cole, her head propped up in the palms of her hands.

Cole thought about how much he missed her, even when she was in the next room. All he ever wanted to do was be next to her, stroking her hair and telling her just how much he loved her.

He thought about how she had never once made him sleep on the couch, no matter how badly he'd fucked up, simply because she couldn't sleep without his arms around her.

He remembered how on their first date, it began pouring as Cole was walking Lili home from dinner. He tried to hold his umbrella over her head so that she wouldn't get wet, but she instead ran out into the street and danced in the rain, insisting that Cole join her. That's when they had their first kiss.

He thought about how much she loved his crazy, twisted family, because those are the people who made Cole who he was; Lili embraced that.

He thought about how she helped him see negative things from a different point of view. How even when everything seemed to be going in the opposite direction of the way Cole wanted it to, Lili was there to see the good in it.

He recollected all the times Lili curled up in his lap on set, or got jealous when he had to film certain scenes with other girls. It showed how much she cared.

He thought about how she was willing to grow in places where she didn't see the need to, and pushed Cole to do the same.

He admired how she had learned that once you stopped expecting to move mountains that are unattainable at the time and start living with purpose and love, you will stop being disappointed.

He thought about how delicately she took care of him when he was sick, making him soup and holding him for hours, not caring if he was contagious.

He realized that she was the only person he could cry in front of. Hell, before she came along, he couldn't even show emotion. She taught him how to feel.

He thought about the first time he'd heard her sing, and how blown away he had been by the beauty of her voice.

He smiled about the silly things she was always sure to stand up for, even when everyone around her disagreed: how much better Seinfeld is than Friends, or how hot Cole looked in his Jughead beanie.

He thought about all the times they'd stayed up like they had on this night, singing and dancing and talking and loving.

Finally, Cole tried to imagine life without her. And he realized in that moment that she was his life. There was no point in living it if she wasn't beside him.

"You." he finally responded.

"What else do you want?" Lili said softly, believing he hadn't given her a true and honest answer.


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