run to you

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Everything around her felt as if it were getting closer. The noise, the lights, the people...everything. That's what filming had the tendency to do to her, wear her down until her anxiety finally slipped. And she felt it coming. Even looking into Cole's eyes didn't calm her down, and that's when she knew things were bad.

"Lili?" Madelaine asked worriedly, waving her hand in front of her face.

"Get Cole." was the last thing she heard before she fell to the ground.

"Lils? Baby?" he said softly, holding her in his arms.

Lili opened her eyes and a blurry figure came into place.

"Cole?" she questioned groggily.

"It's me," he promised, "What happened?"

"She was staring off into space and the next thing I know she's passed out." Mads inserted, running a washcloth under the faucet for Lili.

"What?" Lili asked frantically, completely unaware that she'd fainted, something her anxiety had only caused once before. 

Her eyes filled with tears and she tried to steady her shaking hands as she gripped Cole's arm.

"Shit." she whispered, an emotion mixed of embarrassment and fear.

"Hey, hey calm down," he said, "I'm here. Everything's okay."

Lili took a deep breath and leaned her head onto his chest as he stroked her blonde hair.

"I'm just going to leave you guys," Madelaine awkwardly blurted, "Feel better, Lili."

The couple smiled as their friend left the room, but were secretly thankful to be alone.

"I'm sorry," Lili declared, "I'm sure you were busy. I don't even know what happened."

"Baby girl, don't you ever apologize for needing me. That's why I'm here."

"I know," she responded before pausing, "I just feel so absurd when I have panic attacks. Like I'm taking everyone's time and energy."

"Look at me," Cole said, tilting her chin to face him, "I would drop everything and run to you whenever you needed me. No matter what. That's how much I love you."

"I love you too." she smiled, laying back onto his chest.

She didn't know how long they laid together as Cole continuously promised that everything was okay. All she knew that his presence made her feel calm again. He truly could save her. And that really was the most amazing kind of love.

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