sick day

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Lili woke up even earlier than she would've for work, and sprinted to the bathroom where she threw up. She laid on the bathroom floor, which was cool enough to make her feel less like she was on fire. She fell asleep, and didn't wake up until she felt someone stroking her hair.

"Are you okay?" Cole asked, feeling her forehead.

"I feel like I'm going to die," she whispered, "I think I may be sick."

"My poor baby." he mumbled, scooping her up from the floor and carrying her bridal style into their bedroom.

"You know," she said hoarsely, "This is really romantic."

"You're too cute," Cole laughed, tucking her into bed, "But you're not going into work, Lils."

"Yes I am." she argued, getting up from the bed.

It felt as if her head was going to fall off, and the room spun around her, so she quickly sat back down.

"No you're not." he said again. She kept quiet this time. There were few things Cole wouldn't let her get away with, and going into work sick was one of them.

"I would stay home with you, but I have tons of scenes to film." he said softly, sitting next to her and kissing her forehead.

"I'll be okay," she promised, "I'll call you if I need you."

"I love you. Go back to sleep, my love." he told her before walking out of their room.

Cole was bombarded with questions as soon as he arrived to set, and told Roberto that there was no way in hell Lili was filming today when he questioned why she wasn't there.

Meanwhile, Lili laid in bed with her eyes shut, trying to fight a migraine from Satan himself. That's when she decided that she wasn't getting any better, and she needed to film today. Lili was the type to feel guilty about every little thing, and she didn't want to set everyone else behind.

"Shit." Cole mumbled as he watched Lili stumble onto set.

"What're you doing here?" he asked, wrapping her in his jacket the moment he realized she was shivering.

"I'm here for work!" she chirped, trying to be cheerful.

"You're sick as a dog, bub."

"I'm fine," she promised, "I need to film. I'll take a nap in my trailer in between my scenes, okay?"

"I'm taking you home the moment you feel worse."

She smiled and snuggled closer to him. The day went on and Lili seemed to be feeling better. Cole was about to go check on Lili when her makeup artist approached him.

"She's asking for you." he smiled, leading Cole to his girl's trailer.

"Hi, baby." he whispered. Lili was curled up into a ball on her couch.

"Cole? I want to go home."


For the first time that day, Lili smiled. And not just a weak, fake excuse, but a genuine smile. Not because she was going home, or because her headache was slowly deteriorating. But because she had someone who would drop anything at anytime to take care of her. And that was all she needed. He was all she needed.

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