without you

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"I'll call you every day and text you between every break," Cole whispered as his forehead was pressed against hers, "It's going to be okay, baby."

He could feel her tears so he squeezed her tighter, hoping to take some of the pain away. Cole had to leave Lili for two weeks to do a shoot in Los Angeles. It typically wouldn't be a big deal, but her anxiety was at its peak, and he was the only thing getting her through.

"You promise?" she questioned.

"I promise. And you know I never break them." he smiled, kissing her on the forehead.

"I love you so much." she whispered, handing him the jacket he'd let her borrow on the way here.

"Keep it," he said, "You look better in it anyways. We both know you stealing my clothes is an everyday thing."

She chuckled, looking at her shoes, trying not to let him see her cry.

"Look at me," he said softly, lifting her chin, "You've got this. I love you."

"I love you too, Cole."

"I'll see you soon, my love." he said before kissing her.

Lili watched her boyfriend walk away, trying to keep herself from falling apart. She kept her eyes on him until he could no longer be seen, and walked back to the car.

The next few days were slow and sad, though work kept her distracted. She wasn't the same without her other half, and everyone around her knew it. It wasn't until the middle of the week, however, that all hell broke lose.

Lili laid in bed with tears in her eyes, reading through the comments on her Instagram feed. "You don't deserve to be with Cole." they read, and ones just like it continued to pop up. On top of all the hate, she couldn't seem to get anything right at work. Everything seemed to be falling apart without him. He was the center of her world, he kept her stable. And without him there to do that, her life was quickly deteriorating.

It was in that moment that fate seemed to step in, and she saw Cole's FaceTime call appear on her phone. She didn't bother to conceal her tears, she knew he'd seen right through her anyways.

"Hey, baby." he said excitedly, smiling at the camera.

"Hi." she said quietly, wiping her eyes.

"What's wrong," he questioned, "Have you been crying?"

"I'm sorry," she sobbed, unable to hold it in anymore, "I'm just having a really hard time without you here."

"Lili, what happened?"

"I'm just falling apart," she answered, barely chocking the words out, "All the hate, the countless filming hours, dealing with paparazzi and catcalling and fans. The worst part is, you're not here to hold me at night and tell me everything will be okay."

"Baby girl, everything will be okay. I love you. Why don't you prop the phone up and I'll talk you to sleep." he proposed.

So she did. He told her all about the shoot, described in great detail the crazy people he'd seen on the streets of LA. The last thing she heard from him was "Hang in there. I'll be there soon."

At three in the morning, Lili groggily sat up as someone shook her awake.

"I'm home, my love." Cole whispered, dropping his bags to the ground and crawling into bed.

"Huh?" she asked sleepily.

"It's me, babe."

"Cole?" she questioned as he pulled her close. "I thought you weren't coming home for another week."

"The moment you said you needed me, I bought a plane ticket to Vancouver." he explained.

"You did that for me?"

"I'd do anything for you." he promised.

"What about your shoot?" she asked, feeling guilty she'd derailed his plans, but ecstatic to be back in his arms.

"Ryan told me I could finish another time, and you could come with me. But I knew you needed me here, and you always come first."

"I don't know what to say," she whispered, "Thank you. For everything."

"I love you." he said softly into the back of her neck.

"I love you too. I missed you more than you know."

And suddenly everything felt right in the world. Because all they needed was each other. And that really was the most beautiful love. A kind where without each other, they weren't complete.

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