to many more

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Lili awoke late that morning to the biggest bouquet of flowers she'd ever seen in her life. A grin inched across her face, knowing exactly who'd left them.

Good morning, my love. This day, and every other one as far as I'm concerned, is yours. Thank you for all that you are and all you have taught me. You are my forever. I wish I could spend the entire day with you, but duty calls. Meet me on set at 4. I love you more than you'll ever know.
Love, Cole

Lili smiled at his words, the ones that always had the power to render her speechless. Most people would be upset that their boyfriend couldn't spend their entire birthday with him, but she didn't mind.

She piddled around until her arrival, pampering herself to the best of her ability. Before driving to set, she put on a light pink dress and curled her hair, wanting to look perfect for whatever Cole had planned.

The moment she saw him, she wanted to run into his arms and place a kiss onto his lips. His scene, however, was still running, so she waited with Cami and Casey.

"Happy birthday!" Casey beamed, though he'd sent her a message this morning.

"Thanks, Case," she replied, "I wonder what Cole has planned."

Her friends simply smirked at one another before the direction yelled cut. Cole ran to Lili and lifted her from the ground, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her.

"Happy birthday, baby girl." he whispered, into her neck.

"I love you." she responded as he set her to the ground, grabbing her hand and leading her from the building.

When they reached his Jeep, she noticed her entire seat was filled with roses. She blew a kiss towards Cole as she collected each flower to form a bouquet.

The ride was quiet. They didn't need words. Simply each other's presence.

"Will you tell me where we're going?" Lili pleaded, grasping her boyfriend's hand.

"We're really close." he promised, the car beginning to decrease in speed.

They rounded a corner and followed a path down a gravel road, something all to familiar for the couple. As it came further into sight, Lili noticed a gazebo set up on the edge of the river, completed with fairy lights and a table for two.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed, stepping out of the car and making her way to the set up.

The closer she got, the more beautiful it was. It looked like a scene from a fairytale wedding, something she knew she'd be sharing with the man next to her sooner or later. The river flowed quietly, the lights at the bank lighting it up.

"Happy birthday, Lils." Cole said softly, pulling a chair out for his girlfriend.

She smiled at him, taking her seat as he poured two glasses of wine. For the next hour, the two reminisced over memories similar to this one. They ate the most perfect meal chosen by Cole, and laughed at one another's comments. It was when the stars appeared, however, that her life changed for the better.

"You know," Cole suddenly said, "You truly are the type of person who should have a million birthdays."

Lili laughed at his absurd comment and reminded him that he was the one who had set this beautiful night up.

"God, Lili," he exhaled, "I have never loved anyone in my life as much as I love you. I never will."

"Cole," she gushed, "I love you so much."

"Okay, listen." Cole stammered, rubbing his palms together, an action that only occurred when he was nervous.

Lili nodded, cueing for him to continue.

"I'm not sure of a lot of things. I don't know why I was lucky enough to love you. I don't know what career I'll choose later in life. But I do know one thing," he explained, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Before she knew it, Cole was out of his seat and onto one knee, flashing her a stunning diamond.

"Lili Pauline Reinhart, you are my forever. Thats all there is to it."

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed, tears rolling down her cheeks as she realized what was happening.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" she yelled, kissing him on the lips, "A million times yes!"

Each of their eyes had filled with tears as they held each other in their arms.

"Happy birthday, my love," Cole whispered before placing the ring on her finger, "Here's to many more."

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