late night breakfast pt. 2

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They were the type of couple who loved one another unconditionally. The type of couple who wanted to spend every second with each other. The type of couple where they were the only people who could calm each other down. But they were also the type of couple that decided they wanted eggs and toast at one in the morning.

"Welcome to iHop." a frazzled waitress said unenthusiastically.

She led them to a booth and they sat across from one another, realizing they were the only two souls in the restaurant.

"What can I get you?" the waitress asked, un-politely and completely unamused that she was talking to two of the most famous people on television.

But they didn't care, it made them feel normal, something they'd always wanted to be.

"Eggs and toast, please." Lili laughed, considering that the only reason they'd ended up here was because she woke him up wanting eggs and toast in the late hour.

"I'll have the same," Cole told the waitress, "And some coffee too."

The waitress rolled her eyes at their laughs, took their menus, and left them alone.

"Damn," Cole said softly, "You may be ridiculous for making me bring you to breakfast this late, but I sure do love you."

"I love you too." she answered, staring into his mysterious brown eyes.

"Come over here." he motioned, pulling out his camera.

"Cole, no!" she exclaimed, holding her hand over her face, "I look awful."

"Shut up," he answered after taking the photo, "You look perfect. Now come on."

"Fine." she gave in, rolling her eyes and laughing.

She sat next to her boyfriend, their faces inches away. Their eyes meeting. Lili placed a kiss onto his lips and they pulled away, grins wiped across both of their faces. Cole held out his camera and got the perfect shot.

"I want you to know something." she said, suddenly with a serious tone.

"What's that?"

"You, Cole Sprouse," she said, "Have shown me exactly how love should be."

"Love is taking me to get eggs and toast at one in the morning. Love is calming me down when I'm stressed. Love is the way you hold me when I'm falling asleep at night," she continued, "Love is you and all that you are."

Cole pulled his camera out and switched to the photo he'd taken of the two minutes before.

"Love is us."

They stared at the photo until their food came, completely engulfed in the snapshot. Their love really was picture perfect.

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