late night adventures

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"Lili." Cole whispered, shaking his sleeping girlfriend awake. 

Why he was disturbing her from her precious sleep, she didn't know. 

"Ugh," she groaned, "It's two in the morning." 

"I know," he replied, reaching up to turn the light on, "But I can't sleep and I have a fun idea."

"I don't know what could possibly be fun at two o' clock in the morning." she challenged. 

"Please, baby." he begged, wrapping her in his arms.

"Fine," Lili answered, "At this point, I'm already awake." 

"Good," he smiled, crawling out of bed, "Now put some pants on and meet me in the car."

Minutes later, the two were driving down the road sporting old sweatpants and over sized tee shirts nodding their heads to the blasting music.

"Can you tell me where we're going now?" Lili asked, tapping her fingers to a familiar tune. 

"Okay," he began, "So as I laid awake an hour ago, I was thinking about how much I wanted ice cream."

Lili chuckled at the fact that her six foot, tough boyfriend would be thinking such things over such a late hour.

"So, I thought it would be fun if we went to the grocery and picked out gallons upon gallons of ice cream," he continued. 

"Cole!" Lili laughed. 

"Wait for it," he warned, "Then come home and eat it while watching a scary movie." 

"My god, I'm so in love with you." Lili stated, plain and simple.

"I love you." Cole answered, linking hands with his girlfriend and squeezing her palm tight.

"But this is ridiculous." she giggled as they pulled into the parking lot. 

"Ridiculously awesome."

Reaching their destination, the two went on an enormous hunt for their favorite flavors, which ended up being practically the entire freezer. Their basket quickly filled with every type of ice cream imaginable as the couple laughed at their absurd behavior. 

 The looks they'd gotten from the employees of the store were nothing like ever before, but they didn't care. That made them extra special, meaning that no other couple spent seventy five dollars on ice cream in the middle of the night. 

An hour later, they were back home, ice cream surrounding them with Lili's favorite horror movie playing in the background.

"This might be the silliest thing we've ever done," she joked, "But I love it." 

"Remember that one time you made us go get breakfast at midnight?" Cole chimed, reminding her that she too had thought up some crazy things in the middle of the night. 

"Remember when we played ding dong ditch on every single cast member?" Lili added. 

"Remember when we drove three hours just to find a hill we could put a slip-n-slide on?"

"And when we played pranks on set all day?" 

The two would be up reminiscing as they just had until five o' clock that morning. Reminiscing about when they first met. Reminiscing about their first kiss, which had been so perfect in so many ways. Reminiscing about times like this, the crazy adventures they went on with one another. And as they lay awake, surround by gallons of ice cream, they remembered just how in love they were. 

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