comic con

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ComicCon was the reason for the speculation of their romance. Maybe that's why it was so special to them, the place where no matter how hard they try, they can't hide their love for one another. And no matter how frustrating it became to them, isn't that beautiful? Having something so strong that no amount of effort can hide it. That was what ComicCon was like for Cole and Lili, and that's why they dreaded it yet adored it all at the same time.

"Good morning, baby." Cole said, wrapping his girlfriend into his arms. 

She hadn't stayed out too late last night because of the insane filming schedule she'd endured the week before. Instead, Cole brought her back to their hotel room and ordered her pizza before going back out with the rest of his cast. It made him happy seeing her so rested and lively for the first time in seven days. 

"You're back!" she exclaimed, for it made her so happy waking up next to him.

"Lils, I've been back for a few hours now." he laughed as he rolled out of bed, pulling her with him.

"You ready?" he asked her, taking her into his embrace and planting a kiss on her forehead. 

"I'm not sure," she answered truthfully, "I'm kind of nervous, to be honest. I love it here, but I hate all of the attention it comes with." 

Cole nodded, completely understanding of Lili's reasoning. 

"Try not to get too caught up in my eyes, okay?" he joked, which was ironic considering he couldn't spend one minute in an interview without looking at her, though they saw each other every day. 

"Shut up," she said, giggling at her boyfriend's ridiculousness, "Now go get ready. My stylist will be here any minute."

"Do I have to go?" he pouted as Lili led him to the door. 

"Yes, Cole." she laughed, opening the door. 

"I love you." he said softly, placing a hand on her face. 

"I love you too," she smiled, placing her hand on top of his, "Now go! I'll see you in a few hours." 

To any normal people, that would be nothing. Three hours was easy. In fact, it was preferred. Most couples liked having a break from each other. But not these two. They wanted to be with each other all the time, maybe thats why is became so difficult for them to hide their passion on camera. But those three hours went by incredibly slowly for both of them as they awaited for the other.

"You look amazing." Cole said when it was finally time to reunite, admiring her white dress.

"Thank you." she gratefully responded, wrapping her arms around his waist. 

She knew this would be the last time she'd get to be in his embrace for the next ten hours, so she made the most of it. Alas, it was time to break away and join the rest of the cast for their first interview of the day. Lili quickly reminded Cole to keep everything lowkey. No staring or touching or anything. They couldn't handle that. 

The two days went by and the duo was having fun, but couldn't stand not being able to constantly be with one another. A few comments were made, stares too. But nothing completely obvious, like when they accidentally held hands last year. 

I miss you 

Cole had texted Lili as they waited back stage for the panel, which was the biggest interview of the whole event. 

Come over here. I miss you too. 

The moment the message went through, Cole made his way to Lili who was standing in a circle that consisted of Mads, Cami, Vanessa and KJ. 

"Mind if I steal her?" Cole asked the gang, smirking at his girlfriend in a stunning baby blue two piece. She really was perfect, no matter what she wore.

The rest of the group agreed and Cole pulled Lili into a corner.

"Hi, ba-" Lili began, but was quickly cut off by Cole's lips meeting hers. 

"I've been waiting for that all day." Lili smiled, putting her hands on his chest and kissing him once again.

"You look perfect, you know." he said, "How am I supposed to not constantly stare at you when you look so perfect?" 

Lili blushed and looked towards the ground. No amount of time would ever get her used to the way he made her feel, not even two years.

"Two minutes!" the stage manager yelled, warning everyone that introductions were about to begin.

The couple turned around after noticing everyone was beginning to shuffle to their assigned spots. 

Cole wrapped his arms around Lili's waist before saying, "I love you. And I'm telling you now so I don't let it slip in front of thousands of people." 

"I love you too." she whispered, turning her face to meet his. 

They leaned in, their lips brushing, but were cut off by Skeet warning them that it was time to break away and get on stage. They pulled apart and let go of each other's hands. 

The panel began and frankly, Lili was just thankful to be sitting by him. Knowing he was there somehow made being in front of screaming fans so much easier. 

She looked over at him and let her gaze linger a little too long. And for the first time, she didn't care if everyone knew. So she continued to stare at him until he too lifted his eyes to admire her beauty. And there they sat, as if they were the only two in the room, gazing into each other's eyes. They'd thought this was the place where they couldn't hide what they had. But really, with a love like theirs, that was everywhere.

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