It true what Jellybean says I have deep anger towards you because I lost my mom."

She continues.

"I had said to her what are you saying it not like Godmommy has my mom's doctor even though Godmother have the exact cancer my mom had!

Looking back I was expecting to a different doctor but to the realization to the fact of you being my Godmother Dr came fast. She pointed towards you as you were heading into your seat and Lord be glad that I had not lose my mind in front of you, but then again I knew that Godmommy was never going to make it because you were assigned to her hence why I said but you failed me again first my mother and now my godmother! Why of all people who could not assist my Godmom, she has to be ending up with you!"

The doctor was speechless.

"Yeah stay speechless. I'm done with you! I could have taken my precious moms to my doctors who saved my life twice. Yeah surdamnprise I am cancer free!"

The doctor left and Jessica broke down as Veronica, FP and Gladys held her.

"We are here Baby. You did good telling him off."

The memories Jessica was having were heavy as she was definitely reliving it all over again but with a understanding of what her mom gone through the pain she carried from the time she was 10 were still there.

"Mommy I wished I could have saved you and Godmommy. Hey I gave the Dr hell! Mom I spoke with so much love for you and god mom! I wished that you haven't left us."

Veronica said.

"You need music therapy now."

Jessica hugged Mary first.

"I love you, mommy."

Mary said.

"That was exactly how I felt from day one and I couldn't believe who I was placed with! I lost it in front of everyone Veronica Archie Jughead and Jellybean and I had to explain everything. It was truly the difficult day of my life."

Jessica sigh.

"Now I get why everyone is so cautious about me repeatedly going through this again as you have sat them down and explain it to them. I really appreciated you all! The memories of it is so heavy and fresh hence why I broke down, but back then I could not speak up for mom and I did it today for the both of you with now understanding what truly happen to my mom."

So they went to the room where Jess did music therapy and the therapist hugged Jess.

"All grown up! I still see the 10 years old in you."

Jess smile.

"Baby face problems."

They both laughed.

So each member sang their emotions out and they were feeling better and it was Jess turn as she went up to explain first.

"I know the song from CATS where it is sung primarily by the character Grizabella as a melancholic remembrance of her glamorous past and as a plea for acceptance. "Memory" is the climax of the musical and by far its best-known song, having achieved mainstream success outside of the musical. According to musicologist Jessica Sternfeld, it is "by some estimations the most successful song ever from a musical."

"In Cats, "Memory" is sung primarily by Grizabella, a one-time "glamour cat" who has fallen on hard times and is now only a shell of her former self. For most of the musical, Grizabella is ostracised by her fellow Jellicle cats. She sings a prelude version of "Memory" at the end of the first act, recalling the time before she became an outcast.

Melodic fragments of "Memory" are then sung twice in a higher D major key by Jemima (also known as Sillabub), a young cat who is sympathetic to Grizabella's plight. The first instance occurs at the beginning of the second act after "The Moments of Happiness", and the second instance occurs near the end of the second act right before Grizabella's final appearance. As Grizabella returns near the end of the musical, she sings the full version of the song as she pleads for acceptance, with Jemima joining in briefly to urge her on."

She paused.

"I recently had heard a newer version from Jennifer Hudson and her version described everything that I feel these days. I feel that my memories are fading everyone who knew my parents are gone and those who were close to them are definitely fading."

The piano starts.

"Memory, turn your face to the moonlight
Let your memory leave you
Open up, enter me
If you find there, the meaning of what happiness is
Then a new life will begin

Memory, all alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again

Burnt out ends of smokey days
The stale, cold smell of morning
The streetlamp dies, another night is over
Another day is dawning

Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise
I must think of a new life
And I mustn't give in
When the dawn comes, tonight will be a memory too
And a new day will begin."

Veronica joined in.

"Sunlight through the trees in summer
Endless masquerading
Like a flower, as the dawn is breaking."

Jess tearfully sang.

"The memory is fading.

Touch me, it's so easy to leave me
All alone with the memory
Of my days in the sun
If you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is
Look, a new day has begun."

As she sang Matthew played a beautiful slideshow of Jess family to her godparents, Grandparents, aunt and uncle. It was Jess's version of "the days in the sun."

After she sang there was tears and silence from everyone around the room.

"Sorry this is what I had thought about my Godmother's health now her chemo isn't working now. She is the only piece of my parents I have now next to my mother and father in law."

The therapist hugged her as he remembered her once struggling with the idea of not having her mother.

"I have prayed that you would get through your mom passing."

He then said looking at Matthew.

"Your son?"

Jess smiled motion Matt to come over.

"Yes and I have my daughter, Everly who is here somewhere."

The therapist said to Matt.

"Your mother has a gift of singing from the time I knew her."

Matthew smiled proudly.

AN: I saw CATS and Jennifer Hudson was incredible 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 the emotions of her singing it got me. It gave me the vision to this chapter. These are the actual lyrics and I posted the video too.

The song hold a special meaning to my heart: growing up my beloved grandfather taught us grandchildren how to play the keyboard. Once I had mastered Happy Birthday, my Grandpa decided to give me the piano chords to Memory and I would sit there with his keyboard and practice. I never had to officially mastered it since, but as I watched the scene it brought me back to playing with Grandpa. I Dedicate this chapter to him.

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