̈ ̈Jade, you know I have to go ̈

¨it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding ̈

He gave me a kiss and told me someone would be up shortly. As he went to leave he shouted playfully,

¨I can't wait to see you in your dress tonight and I really can't wait to get it off of you later ̈

He winked at me as he closed the door. This was the best day of my life. It wasn't long before I heard another knock at my door. This time it was the assistant hired by Craig to help me.

̈ ̈Hi I am Sarah ̈

She was a beautiful brunette about the same age as me. She was dressed in a silky pant suit that she paired with black heels. Her hair was fastened into a nice tight bun.

¨Why don't you get into the shower because the stylist should be here shortly ̈

She started to help me into the bathroom. When I came back out there was so many people in my room that I actually gasped.

̈ ̈Who are all these people ̈

I walked out to see three more women and a man that looked like he worked for the hotel. Sarah turned towards me surprised that I had already finished.

̈Oh Jade, you're going to ruin the surprise ̈

̈ ̈Mr. Whitman sent up some food for you to eat ̈

I looked towards the buffet they had set up off to the side of the room. There was soda, water, cookies, lunch meats, cheese and crackers and much more! Sarah now taking my hand and guided me into a chair that was set up beside various makeup and styling equipment.

̈ ̈Please sit here and Marcy will start working on your hair ̈

Marcy quickly introduced herself as she was pulling the towel off my head. The Sarah pointed to another woman off to the side of the room.

¨This is Jackie, she has brought up a selection of dresses for you to choose from ̈

Then walked in Sammie and Dr. Shapiro. I don't ́t believe they were here! I covered my mouth as my eyes started to water.

̈ ̈Oh my gosh, he has thought of everything ̈

Sammie ran over and gave me a hug.

̈ ̈Sorry Jade, I was sworn to secrecy that I wouldn't tell ̈

I jumped up and gave them both a hug.

¨It's ok ̈ I said as I wiped a tear from my eye.

̈ ̈Trust me it wasn't easy ̈

̈ ̈Craig had me do most of the fittings for your dresses since we are the same build ̈

¨You owe me big ̈ she chuckled.

As I turned to see several dresses I was a bit confused.

̈Wait, your telling me all of these have been altered ̈?

Dr. Shapiro at this point chimed in.

̈Hunny, that man really loves you to have bought them all ̈

I felt like I was in shock! I thought we were doing a small wedding in a little chapel. I felt someone tug at the back of my rob. It was Marcy.

¨I am going to need you to sit back down so I can get started ̈

I turned and apologise.

̈ ̈No...no it's your day ̈

¨You don't have to be sorry ̈

¨I just want you looking your best ̈

She smiled at me. I sat back down. This was so amazing that he had planned all this for me. Jackie walked towards me and asked if she could start showing me some of the gowns from the collection.

̈ ̈Sure ̈

They were all so beautiful. I loved them all! Jackie suggested that I try a few on so I can see how they fit. Marcy reassured me that it would be fine. So I started trying them on. I felt like a princess! I really thought they all were gorgeous, but there was one I loved. I walked over to the mirror to look at myself. It was made of silk and had long sleeves. There was a large v neck in the front and the back was partially open. White beads and lace traveled beautifully down the bottom onto the train of the dress. It was perfect. As Jackie sipped it up I noticed you could see a bump.

̈ ̈Oh no ̈ I can't wear this and I turned around.

Dr. Shapiro walked closer to me and took my hand.

̈Sweetie, so you had a big lunch ̈

̈ ̈ Haven't we all ̈

She made me feel silly for pointing it out. She was right. No one could tell it was a baby bump. I got excited again.

¨Ok, this is the one ̈ I said while taking it back off.

A few hours went by and the girls had me looking great! To my surprise a photographer came up and took several pictures. It wasn ́t to much longer that a man came into my room and told me it was time.

̈ ̈Ma ̈am, the limo is here ̈

I don't know why, but it reminded me of that first night that April took me to the mansion. I sat there for a second then I realized tonight was nothing like that night. I turned to Sammie and Dr. Shapiro just then. With the happiest look on my face I told them,

̈Lets go, my husband is waiting for me ̈

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