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2 years later

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2 years later

"Tae!" Jungkook yells from the balcony.

Taehyung looked up and waved back with many bags latched on both arms.

They ended up buying a house, Hoseok and Yoongi becoming their roommates and soon Jimin, Seokjin and Namjoon will move in but for now its them four.

"He's off of work already?" Yoongi asks from the living room, having heard Jungkook.

"Yes, yes. I want to give him many smooches," Jungkook squealed.

"You live with the man-" Yoongi decided to not speak upon it, and shook his head with a smile.

Hearing the keys jiggle in the door, Jungkook couldn't sit still and ran to the door.

As Taehyung walked in, he made sure to place the bags down to lift Jungkook up.

Jungkook wrapped his legs around the older's waist and made sure to squeeze them super tight.

"Missed me that much?" Taehyung laughed, kissing his boyfriend's lips.

"Yes, but great news," Jungkook began as he was let down on his two feet, "The letter came back," He pulled the paper out his back pocket.

Taehyung's eyes widened. "No way, what does it say, tell."

Jungkook leaded the older to the living room and made him sit down next to Yoongi.

Hoseok was currently at work helping out the local daycare to make extra money.

"Okay so, it says..." Jungkook unfolded it, then held it out for the two men to see.

"We can't read that," Yoongi said. Jungkook nodded remembering.

"It says that, they would love for me to come work with them and it would be a pleasure if Kim Taehyung came along with me!" Jungkook's voice pitch grew higher as he finished.

"NO WAY," Taehyung jumped up. Jungkook nodded fast with a huge smile.

"Oh my gosh, congrats you guys!" Yoongi pulled them both into a hug.

A month ago they applied to the Bangtan Inc. a company who accepts passionate music makers, dancers, and those who are into modeling with just a well written application.

Taehyung applied for the modeling and Jungkook applied for writing music and maybe more in the future.

Jungkook never thought this type of thing would happen to them. 2 years ago it was complete chaos.

Taehyung and Jungkook not expressing their feelings good enough. Hoseok coming back, eventually Taehyung forgiving him. Seokjin finally becoming healthy enough stopping from going in and out of hospitals. Namjoon and Jimin having a little fling, as well Yoongi and Hoseok.

LOLLIPOPS & HEARTS|| T.KOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora