Chapter 7

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Taehyung took a seat on the steps of the beach house for the workers, waiting for Yoongi to change

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Taehyung took a seat on the steps of the beach house for the workers, waiting for Yoongi to change.

The older came out the house with a dramatic sigh, Taehyung chuckling at it.

"What's up?" He asked the shorter.

"I can't take a week off, because Mina's bitch ass all of a sudden wants to take a vacation to see her boyfriend abroad!" Yoongi shouted.

"Hmm, I guess I'll just have to come visit you everyday while you're working." Taehyung put a finger on his chin.

"Shut up, that doesn't make it better."

"But you love seeing me."

"Are you sure about that?" Yoongi deepened his voice.

Taehyung nodded and got up from the steps he was sitting on.

"Well can I get a kiss goodbye? I have to go get Kook."

"No. And why where are you guys going?"

"Uh, to visit his father." Taehyung's face dropped.

"Why does visiting his father- oh. I'm sorry, go ahead." Yoongi realized and gave Taehyung a pat on the back.

"Come with me. Jungkook, he won't mind." He offered.

"No, I don't belong at his father's grave, go Tae."

"Please, he'll understand. Besides his father didn't really like me I think." Yoongi nodded and intertwined his and Taehyung's hand and walked to meet up with Jungkook.

"What took you so long, gosh." Jungkook said locking the door behind himself.

He looked up and noticed Yoongi there as well, better yet they were holding hands. He gave the oldest a polite smile began walking ahead.

They walked until they reached the cemetery. Jungkook had a bouquet of white lilies to place down.

Taehyung felt Yoongi squeeze his hand a little. He looked down and Yoongi motioned him to look at Jungkook.

The youngest was kneeling and crying palms covering his eyes.

Taehyung released his hand from the older's and kneeled down beside his best friend.

Jungkook had only started crying because every built up emotion threatened to come out.

His recent strange feelings towards Taehyung ever since Yoongi became an everyday thing. He was also upset that the older brought the short male with him to his dad's grave.

"My dad...he ended his own life." Jungkook choked out. He could tell Yoongi was curious.

"He was terribly sick since I was about 8 but it got worse when I turned 15. He- he said that living in and out of a hospital was getting tiring and that having a life was useless. One day he came into my room and he thought I was asleep so he started talking to me that the next day would be the last day I'd hear his voice or see him in person." Jungkook cried even more.

"You don't have to continue.." Yoongi began.

"No. I woke up fully after he left my room and balled my eyes out. I ran to Taehyung's house as fast as I could and just sat there on his steps, knowing that he been moved out with his mom for a year since she wanted to see him. His dad came home and seen me crying on his steps and offered me hot chocolate. Everyone in the neighborhood knew about my father being sick. Taehyung's father then got a call from my mother asking if he seen me and he told her i was in his kitchen. Then I heard her say that my dad suddenly collapsed while eating a midnight snack.

That was the night he died. He said that the next day would be his last. He lied to me. After that I didn't talk to no one, not even Taehyung who came back to live with his dad. To this day I still wish I was the sick one and not him. I lost my own father who had killed himself with god knows what. I still believe he didn't collapse just like that- i mean come on."  Jungkook finished, wiping his tears as well.

Yoongi didn't notice he had a few tears on his face. Taehyung tightened his grip on Jungkook's hand.

"Well. I have to get back to work, thank you for coming you two." He smiled and left the cemetery.

"I didn't think it was that bad." Yoongi whispered.

"Yeah...Even though I'm pretty sure Mr. Jeon disliked me a little, I'll always miss that guy." He smiled looking at the grave.

"Let's get going."


Taehyung and Yoongi sat on a towel at the beach admiring the night sky twinkling with stars.

Taehyung thought it was the perfect time to reveal his feelings for the older.

He turned his head to Yoongi's and held his hand, the older looking confused.

Hey, uh- I have something to tell you," He began, "I like you, like a lot it's crazy."

Yoongi chuckled and shook his head.

"Come on, you don't expect me to believe you do you?" He asked amused.

"I'm being serious." Taehyung locked eyes with the older.

"Taehyung, I'm not dumb," He said, "I know you just wanted a quick fuck, I seen Jungkook point at me that day and that smirk of yours. It was pretty obvious what you two were planning." Yoongi explained.

"T-that's how it was at first, but it's different now. Trust me!" He said getting defensive.

"I want to trust you, I really do. But you're nothing but a person who just wants to fuck and leave." Yoongi said getting up.

"Y-yoongi, please-"

"Give me some time. That means no surprise visits from you while I'm on a shift. You can text me, but not call me. If I find out you fucked someone while waiting for me then I'll know not to trust you."

"I don't think thats really fair-" Taehyung tried.

"Then don't wait for me."

"Fine. You'll trust me by the end of your time wanting thing, yeah." Taehyung said and got up with a huge grin.

Yoongi softly giggled and began walking home. He just hopes the younger won't get too attached to him.

1001 words.

Pretty short again. Sorry long chapters have me falling asleep in between I just can't.

But hope you liked this chapter. I've updating a lot when I should be studying for finals next week.

bye honeys 🍯

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bye honeys 🍯

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