Chapter 2

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"My friend is off of work in about 2 hours, wanna go eat at the diner he works at?" Taehyung suggested, to the boy who climbed down the bench

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"My friend is off of work in about 2 hours, wanna go eat at the diner he works at?" Taehyung suggested, to the boy who climbed down the bench.

"Sure, I'm just going to go change out of this uniform." Yoongi said and walked to the locker room.

Taehyung waited for the older to come out with hands in his front pockets and leaning against the wall to the room.

"Ok, I'm ready." Yoongi said bad on his shoulder. His outfit was as simple as Taehyung. Shorts, a dark blue tank top and sandals.

They walked in the diner, the bell connected to the door giving a short ding, indicating someone entered the diner.

Taehyung found a booth to the left near the exit and walked Yoongi over to sit down.

The blue haired male looked for Jungkook without getting up and found hims serving a table with two elderly people. So, instead of calling him over he waited.

"I want to get served by my friend, so we'll wait- is that okay?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, fine with me." Yoongi said, looking through the menu.

15 minutes later and Jungkook spotted Taehyung's bright blue hair and made his way over to him, and noticing last minute that he had company.

"What's up asscrack?" Jungkook said approaching the male.

"Call me that again and you won't be able to walk tomorrow." Taehyung joked, not really meaning it and Yoongi staring at the two.

Jungkook blushed and cleared his throat and turned to the stranger.

"Oh- you brought a friend." Jungkook said, smiling at Yoongi.

"Hi, I'm Yoongi." The older said and smiled back. Taehyung scoffed and crossed his arms.

"It took you a few seconds to introduce yourself to him, while for me it took questions." Taehyung said. Yoongi giggled and threw a napkin at him.

"Because you're a weirdo." He said, Taehyung playfully sticking out his tongue at him.

Jungkook noticed how they unknowingly flirted and stood there uncomfortable.

"What do you want to order?"

"I'll have my usual burger and fries- what do you want sweetie?" Taehyung turned to Yoongi.

Yoongi fake gagged at the pet name, which Taehyung giggled at and Jungkook just staring. He ordered the same thing as Taehyung.

Jungkook walked off with a nod and went to go place the order in.

With Taehyung , and Yoongi they played with the straws and napkins building forts or throwing at each other and sneaking in flirts here and there.

About 20 minutes later Jungkook was bringing their food over with a fake smile plastered on his face when they ignored his entire existence.

Jungkook walked to the back room with a groan, noticeable to his coworker, Namjoon.

LOLLIPOPS & HEARTS|| T.KTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang