Chapter 21

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After last Taehyung has been definitely beating himself up about not saying the three words back

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After last Taehyung has been definitely beating himself up about not saying the three words back.
Jungkook not showing that he was upset, made Taehyung feel even worse.

They woke up in each other's arms. Jungkook still put like a light when Taehyung woke up so he stayed there until the younger woke.

Jungkook whined at the bright sun from the open wide windows. He threw his arm over Taehyung's bare chest and moved closer to him, closing his eyes in the process of getting comfortable.

Taehyung rolled his eyes. Then he snuck his hand in the blanket, giving the younger's ass a good slap laughing when Jungkook moves away quickly and takes the blanket with him.

Taehyung shivers when he's no longer covered up and tries to get the blanket back, Jungkook's hard grip meaning a big fat no. So instead he decides to put on sweats and a tshirt and goes out into the living room.

"Have it your way." Taehyung grumbles, Jungkook waves his hand dismissing the older.


"THE FUCK YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T SAY IT BACK?!" Taehyung covers his ears while Yoongi yells at him.

"I-i just couldn't."

"Couldn't or didn't want to." Yoongi asks, a glare resting on his face.

"Couldn't. I know I feel the same way, but the words wouldn't come out my mind to my mouth." Taehyung explains, twirling his straw in his milkshake.

Yoongi hits Taehyung on the head with a menu. Jimin witnesses and comes to the table.

"Ah,ah no violence in here." He says pointing to the computer printed sign on the door. Yoongi pulls back the menu with a eye roll, Taehyung gives him a thankful look.

"Hey Minnie." Taehyung said, pushing over creating space for the older.

"Hey, Tae, and grumpy face." Jimin teases.

"Shut up. Guess what Taehyung DIDN'T do." Yoongi changes the subject back. Taehyung sighs lowering his head.

"What? Didn't say I love you back?" Jimin guesses. Yoongi and Taehyung stare at him for awhile before looking away.

"Thats exactly what he- were you listening or something?" Yoongi interrogates.

"Mmm no. Taehyung just looks fucking distraught and you just look annoyed." Jimin says observing their moods.

Taehyung checks his phone that dings, Jungkook sent him a text saying he wouldn't be home until late.

"Great, he's probably just saying that to avoid you dipshit." Yoongi says looking over to read the message.

"Way to make him feel better- I mean he's pretty fucking stupid for not saying it back when he knows he does, but come on give him a break." Jimin defends.

Yoongi tsks as he flicks Jimin's forehead for taking Taehyung's side while he was on Jungkook's.

"I told you why. The words were in my head, but they just wouldn't come out my mouth. Besides he said it while we we're fucking thats a lot to catch up to." Jimin and Yoongi widen their eyes in shock.

"During you two making love? Bitch you dumb, dumb. He meant that, definitely meant that." Jimin spoke first. Taehyung groaned in frustration.

"You guys aren't helping!"


Jungkook took one more table's order after realizing his shift was close to over.

"Namjoon, Seokjin hyung is back home now?" Jungkook asked.

"Okay, I'll come over there after I go talk to Hoseok real quick. I love you." He says pulling the older into a quick hug and then left the diner.

"I love you to?" Namjoon watches the younger quickly walk away from the diner in confusion.

Jungkook stopped at the store to get Hoseok his favorite snack so that the bribing process could go a little faster, well he won't call it bribing.



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pretty hobi🥰
bye honeys 🍯

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