Chapter 23

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Taehyung and Jungkook woke up in each other's arm again

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Taehyung and Jungkook woke up in each other's arm again. This was basically a routine for the two. As it was still early neither of them dared to move. In fact Taehyung did some hard thinking while stroking his hand through Jungkook's fluffy bed head hair.

They both told each other that they love them..but they aren't official and that made Taehyung frustrated. He's definitely going to plan something, but what exactly? Little did Taehyung know.

"Tae, let's have everyone over today."

"What do you mean by everyone?" Taehyung answered, scrolling through his phone.

"Y'know...Jimin, Yoongi, Hobi, Joon, and if Jin can come?" Jungkook replied where he stood behind the kitchen counter.

"And why this all of a sudden?" Taehyung turned to him skeptical.

"Because I just want them over, why is that so confusing?" He said back, turning back to the stove.

Taehyung softly giggled and crept up behind Jungkook. Wrapping his arms around the younger's waist and resting his head on his shoulders.

"I'm just kidding, baby." He whispered in the younger's ear and kissed it right after.

Jungkook shuddered at the warm feeling but decided to ignore it, that until Taehyung started nibbling on his cartilage.

"H-hyung," Taehyung stopped and pulled away.

"Continue cooking, it's going to be great. I'll call everyone now." Taehyung winked before exiting the kitchen.

"He's going to be the fucking death of me.." Jungkook told himself.

While the soon to be couple waited for their friends they sat on the couch watching whatever the television was currently playing.

"I think that's fucking cool. Their house versus our apartment? No chance. We'd lose-"

"Shut up already!" Jungkook mumbled in the older's chest.

The last time they contacted everyone, Yoongi said that he and Hoseok were on the way. Jimin had to pick up Namjoon and Jin because they didn't want the oldest to walk such a distance, he only just started getting better.

"You can't fall asleep now, munchkin." Taehyung teased and began tickling the younger.

Jungkook squirmed next to the older, lifting his head off of his chest to turn away from him. He did his best to hide his laughter but not when Taehyung started tickling his feet.

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