XXVIII || Fall With Me, Part I

Start from the beginning

The town's hunters especially favoured Smith & Sons. Before dawn's early light peaked over the horizon, the village huntsmen were already lined up outside the humble establishment. From that moment, until the sun dipped behind the horizon and the moon graced the night sky, Smith and his grandson, Link, would be working tirelessly.

Day after day.

The same routine.

While some may tire or grow weary of the same practice, Link quite enjoyed it. The young man preferred discipline over chaotic disorganization. He liked having a set schedule and knowing exactly what each day entailed.

The mornings were by far the most difficult time of the day. Despite having been raised on the same pattern, Link still found it difficult to bid adieu to his cotton sheets. He liked to sleep. Whenever he found the chance, he would eagerly doze off into a nap.

On the other hand, the afternoons were Link's favourite time of the day because of a single reason. Or rather, because of a single person.

Just as the thought of her crossed his mind, the familiar tune of a bell rang through the air. The cloudiness of daydream immediately lifted from Link's crystalline eyes. His head snapped up, and his gaze fell upon the ornate cucoo-clock, which hung above the door.

It was 2:00 pm.

A slow grin spread across Link's face as he hurriedly wiped away the sweat that had collected along his brow. Then he carefully placed his whetstone and the sword he had been sharpening down on his workstation. He quickly patted his hands against the dark apron tied around his waist, leaving behind a smear of dusty residue. Spinning on his heel, he made his way from the workshop, located in the back of the smithy, towards the front. This section of the establishment acted as a storefront, where Smith and Link could proudly show off their handiwork. As he took his place behind the sales desk, his gaze met hers.

A delicate pink dress hugged her small, slender frame. Her green eyes, like the sea, were calm. Long, blonde hair, almost like it was spun from fine gold, fell along her back like waves. Her perfect, ivory skin looked fragile and soft. Her cheeks were dusted lightly with a soft shade of rose.

Her name was Maria. She was the fairest and loveliest maiden of the village. There was just something about her... Something Link couldn't quite put into words. Her natural charm radiated from her like a wildfire, rendering her irresistible to everyone who came across her path. Men desired her hand in marriage, and women sought her friendship.

"Ah, good afternoon, Link!"

Link couldn't stop his lips from tilting upwards into a grin, nor could he deny the bashful blush that bloomed across his cheeks.

"Hi, Maria."

The blonde-haired beauty returned his smile, and by the Gods, it the most radiant thing Link has ever seen. For a brief second, Link thought maybe he was talking with Hylia herself. Surely, such a beautiful person couldn't simply be human, right?

"I'll be right back with your father- uh, I mean, Mr. Lamont's arrows." Link informed with a polite smile.

Every day, around the same time, Maria would visit the blacksmith to retrieve her father's bundle of arrows in preparation for the next day's hunt. Just as Link turned around, Maria called out to him once more, and he looked back at her.

"Say... Actually, Link, there was something else."

A light blush settled across Maria's cheeks as she spoke. Timidly, she began to twirl a lock of golden hair around her fingers. Then shyly, she looked up at him from under her eyelashes.

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