¨You ́re pregnant sweetie ̈

I was shocked that she knew. I mean she is a doctor and all, but I couldn't believe she knew. 

̈ ̈ Don't worry, your secret is safe with me ̈

I looked up at her puzzled. 

¨I saw the test in the garbage bin yesterday when you left ̈

̈ ̈Don ́t worry, when you are ready to talk, I am here for you ̈

As I got up and started to fix myself Dr. Shapiro headed back to her office. I didn't say anything. I couldn't help but wonder how I would be able to hide this from Craig if I can ́t hide it from her. I went to the front and began working. It was the longest day ever. I couldn't wait for the morning sickness to subside. It was awful. Everything made me feel sick. One of the patients stopped to talk to me and the smell of her perfume made me want to vomit. I couldn't wait for the day to be over. Atleast Sammie would be here to help me tomorrow, I reassured myself.

It felt like forever, but finally the clock struck five and I could lock up. I forgot to forward the phones and just as I went to someone called in. 

̈Ugh, why ̈ 

I asked myself outloud. I was so ready to leave. I knew I had to answer so I did in a bit of a rush.

̈Thanks for calling, can I help you ̈

As I patiently waited for a response I heard April ́s voice.

̈ ̈Jade, it's me April ̈

April?! Why is she calling again? What could she possibly want? I decided I would entertain the conversation, but I knew Craig would not be happy. 

̈ ̈April, what do you want ̈

¨You and I aren't friends and you have no business contacting me ̈

I was now feeling angry just thinking about her betrayal. Everything that she ever told me was a lie. She just wanted to deliver me to those sick bastards. She is the reason I was locked in that place and the reason Robbie and I now share an unborn child! I began to shake as my body filled with rage. April then nervously responded.

¨I just wanted to make sure you are ok Jade ̈

¨I miss you sis ̈

Sis?! Oh the nerve of her! She was not my sister! She never was and never will be family. I can never forgive her! I responded angrily.

̈ ̈April, don't ever call here again ̈

̈ ̈Do you understand ̈

My voice was now so mean and cold. I have lost all respect for the person I thought she was! Before she could answer I slammed the receiver down! I had heard enough of her lies and I blame her for ruining my life. She thinks she saved me from my mom, what a joke! She is worse than my mother will ever be! I was so annoyed. I glanced at the clock, now fifteen after five. ̈ ̈Oh gosh,  Craig has to be out front ̈. I quickly packed my things for the evening and headed out to the car. His maserati was pulled up to the curve waiting for me. I hoped in and threw my arms around his neck. I was so happy to see him. 

¨Did you missed me baby ̈ he asked as he began to smother me with kisses.

̈ ̈Yes ̈ I said as I tightened my hold. 

I could just hug him forever. He had one of those hugs that made all the stress of my day go away. I melted into his arms. 

̈Are you ready to go home and work on making a baby ̈

My heart felt like it skipped. Ugh, how can I continue to lie to him.  I didn't want to, but I knew I had to. I told him I couldn't wait to get home. We made love several times that night. After Craig and I laid in bed and talked for awhile. I told him about Sammie starting at the office and Craig just got this excited look on his face. 

̈ ̈Really ̈?!

¨This is great news Jade ̈

̈Lets drive to Las Vegas and get married ̈

He reached into his nightstand drawer and showed me our marriage license came in. I started to make excuses why we couldn ́t, but then I realized none of that matters. I want to be his wife so bad! I looked at him and told him to lets do it! I gave him a huge kiss and he headed over to the computer. He had our flights booked and he told me we were leaving tomorrow. I felt bad for abandoning Dr. Shapiro and Sammie, but I wanted this more than anything. The next morning we began to pack our luggage. I took my white mini dress from the closet with white heels. It wasn't what I planned on wearing, but all that didn ́t matter. I just wanted to be his wife.    

As we headed for the airport Craig glanced over at me. He reached for my hand. He held it so tight while glancing over at me the whole way there. I think this was the happiest I have ever seen him. I knew in this moment without a doubt that he loved me. I knew he not only loved me, but that I loved him with all of my heart. As we started to board the plane, I asked if I could have the window seat. Between the morning sickness and being overly nervous, I felt like I might pass out. Craig ordered us something to drink and told me to just relax. 

As the planes engines kicked on, I looked out onto the runway. It was such a beautiful day. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. The plane began to shake a little as it started to move. I turned towards Craig and grabbed his hand. My palms were so sweaty. He had this look in his eyes that melted my heart. The elderly woman next to us leaned around him and said,

¨I know that look hunny and that is the look of love ̈

̈ ̈My husband use to look at me like that for more than sixty years ̈

Then as she went to sit back in her seat she said quietly, 

¨I miss seeing that look ̈

I smiled at the thought that maybe Craig and I would be able to love each other for sixty years. I laid my head on his chest as he cradled me in his arms. 

¨I love you baby ̈ he told me as the plane took off 


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