Chapter 49

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I closed the door behind me, leaning against the wall, finally able to hear myself think. I looked in the mirror, fixing my shirt.

The party was in full swing. It was already 11:45, almost the new years. Harry and Lou’s apartment was filled with so many people. Each of the boys had invited friends to come to the party. They even had party buses dropping people off.

It was loud, crowed, and full of drunk people, not exactly my favorite combination.

Every so often I would sneak into Zayn’s locked apartment, where Cole was sleeping. I had hired a babysitter to stay in the apartment while I was next door at the party, but that still didn’t stop me from coming over to check on him. 

Taking one last look, I left the bathroom, waving to the babysitter as I exited the flat and went over to the one next door.

When I opened the door I heard my name being called. I headed over in the direction I thought it came from. I was soon brought into the arms of Zayn.

“Hey where did you run off to, I thought I lost you in the crowd?”

“Bathroom” I said simply.

“I’m gonna get another drink, you want one?” Zayn asked.

I shook my head, as I felt his gasp loosen.

I spotted Stan a few feet away, he was with Niall and a few people I didn’t know.

“How many times?” Stan asked when I walked up to him.

I nudged him in the side jokingly. “Are you taking count of this?” I asked

“No, I just think its funny!” he said

“10 minutes!” Niall yelled, causing everyone around us to lift their drinks in the air and yell.

“Leah! Gonna kiss Zayn?” Niall said, making kissy faces at me.

I blushed as everyone around us laughed.

“Of course she is!” Zayn said, coming back to the group

He wrapped his arm around me from the back, pulling me into him. “I can’t wait to start the year with you!” he said in my ear

“Yeah” I said non convincingly

He spun me around, facing me. “What wrong?” he asked seriously

Zayn had been drinking, but he wasn’t drunk, at least not yet.

I looked at him, avoiding his eyes slightly “Nothing”

He looked at me skeptically. But I just mouthed “later”

He left it at that.

The next thing I knew, Louis was pulling Zayn’s arm and dragging him away.

I soon felt myself be pulled by Alyssa.

We stopped in the kitchen, as the boys stood in the table. Alyssa, Danielle, and I all stood on the side of the table.

“Everyone!” A very drunk Louis yelled, getting everyone attention.

“We just to say a massive thank you for everyone coming to our party!” Liam yelled

Everyone raised there drinks, and cheered!

“Thank you for all the support this year! You all are our true friends” Niall said giving everyone the thumbs up.

“And we couldn’t have done it without you!” Zayn said, looking over to me and winking

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