Chapter 3

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I rolled over and looked at my phone. 10:45 AM. It felt so good to sleep in for once. I lifted my legs out from under the covers and grabbed a sweatshirt from my bag. I threw the sweatshirt on and put my messy curls in a bun. I walked out of the bedroom and headed towards the kitchen.

As I was walking down the hallway I noticed the pictures on the wall. I had seen them yesterday but I never really looked at them.

He had pictures of him and the rest of the band. There were a bunch of Harry with family and friends. They had a picture with Simon on the day they got signed. X Factor pictures from performances and concerts. When I got to the end of the hallway I saw a plaque. “What Makes You Beautiful, fastest selling single of the year”

“Admiring my accomplishments” Louis sarcastically said coming up from behind me.

“I am proud of you, you know that”

“I know you are. I’m proud of you too. You have had a tough few years and you have been strong”

I left it at that and followed him into the kitchen.

“We don’t have that much food. Harry and I tend to eat out or steal food from Niall, he always has the best stuff. So I was thinking we could go out to lunch or something?”

“Sure that sounds great”

He gave me a cheeky grin and said “okay well I need to change, want to leave in like a half hour” he said looking at the clock. It was already 11.

I headed back to the room and through on a pair of skinny jeans, a stripped sweater with a matching scarf and my glitter TOMs. I left my hair down in my natural curls and pulled some of it back into a clip. When I was all done my make up Louis walked in.

I stepped out of the bathroom and looked at him. “Really” we said at the same time. We were almost matching. Although his shoes were not sparkly like mine he had on jeans and a similar stripped shirt. I then grabbed a cardigan and put it over my shirt. Making our outfits appear less similar. “Happy?” I joked

Laughing he replied “We could have matched! It would have been adorable in the magazine. Who wore it best, obviously it would be me” I jokingly hit his arm “in your dreams” I said

We walked out the door and went down the elevator. When we got outside Louis told me that there was a good café close and we could just walk.

As we were walking I heard a bunch of yelling and saw lots of flashes going off. Louis grabbed my hand and pulled me closer. “Ignore them” he whispered.

I kept my head down as they were yelling things at us “Who is this Louis?” “New girlfriend?” “What happened to the girl last week?” “What’s your name sweetie?”

“Sorry. I should have warned you about them”

“It’s fine. You don’t have to apologize, its not your fault that they follow you guys around”

After we ordered we starting talking.

“So how is everything at home?”

“It’s okay. I’m just usually so busy with everything going on.” I confessed

“Leah, can I ask you something. Don’t get mad please. I’m just trying to understand”

I nodded letting him know he could continue.

“Why did you come here? I know you told me that you had had enough, but what pushed you?” he asked

I took a hard swallow and said “We got in a fight this weekend. He said came to the house to get his stuff for the weekend and told me that I was a bitch and that no wonder my brother is ashamed of me. It just kind of got me worked up so I called you because I knew he was right” Tears were building up in my eyes thinking about it.

 Yesterday, early afternoon

I had finished putting the stuff in the back of his car. He had everything he needed for the weekend.

“I think that’s all of it” I said walking away from the car

“Okay. I have it all under control” he said in a rude tone

“Please call me if anything happens” I said trying to be nicer to him

“I know I know. You told me a million times. Do you not trust me?” he questioned

“I’m trying to. Its just every time in the past that I asked you if you wanted to do this you back out or you cancel on me last minute.” I said truthfully.

He didn’t like that answer. “Well maybe if you weren’t such a bitch to me all the time I wouldn’t be mean back to you” he said angrily

I didn’t want to him angrier at me so I started to walk back to the front door.

“You brought this upon yourself Leah. I tired to help, Louis tried to help. You know its funny, you tried to push Louis away from me, his best friend, but all you did was ruin your relationship with him. He’s embarrassed by you. He never talks about you because he is ashamed to admit what you did to all of us.” He yelled at me.

I turned around with tears in my eyes and he continued “It’s true. You know for yourself that it is”

I started crying. I hated think about my brother. We were so close and now we could barely speak two words without fighting. “Please just stop. I know okay. But you don’t have to yell at me. I have tried and tried to be nice to you given the circumstances but you give me no choice. And you have no right to stand here and tell me that Louis hates me. I know okay. I don’t need it thrown in my face anymore. So just leave”

“Ill be back on Sunday to drop everything off” he said stomping to his car.

I watched him drive off. Waving to him and trying to brush away my tears

-end of flash back-

“He shouldn’t have said that to you” Louis said quietly

“Well he did. I mean he is right. You are ashamed of me”

“Leah, I know we have had our differences, but you need to know that I was never ashamed of you. Mad, yes. But never ashamed” He said looking me in the eyes

“If you weren’t ashamed then why did you never come home? Or talk to me? Or why are there now pictures in your flat of us” I couldn’t take it anymore. I had been wondering it since I got there.

He was silent. Louis was at a lose for words, something that didn’t happen often for him. I picked up my bag and walked out of the café.

I should have done that, I thought to myself. Walking out of the café alone with tears streaming down my face, the cameras were back. I tried to walk past them, trying to get them to leave me alone. But they didn’t “What did Louis do?” “Did you two end things?” they were yelling all kinds of things at me, I was almost back to the complex when I felt a hand slide along my back.

I jumped thinking it was a photographer touching me. I turned to face them to push them off. “Relax, its just me” I heard Louis voice trying to comfort me.

When we reached the flat I was walking a head of Louis. He still hadn’t said anything. I didn’t want to talk to him. So when I got to the unlocked door I walked in. Hearing him yell for me “Leah please listen” I ignored him. “Leah I’m sorry okay. You have it wrong” “Come on, don’t shut me out” he continued. I went straight for the guestroom ignoring Louis’s calls and the 3 boys on the couch all staring at me.

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