Chapter 46

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I hated goodbyes, absolutely hated them. Even though it was only for a few days, they still, well to put it bluntly, sucked.

Everyone was getting ready to head home for the holidays. Today was December 23rd, meaning Louis and I had a birthday tomorrow. Zayn had taken me out last night for a very romantic and nice dinner. It was more than I could ask for, but I still wished I could spend my actually birthday with him, maybe it would make it more enjoyable.

The thing about birthdays, is that I don’t really like them, well at least mine. Out of the whole year you have one day to celebrate getting older. Like Louis, getting older scared me, especially now as I was entering my twenties. I also don’t like birthdays because I don’t like people making a big deal out of me, and the last few years my birthdays have been a disappointment.

Louis and Stan were going to be driving home together. Since I was still unable to drive and didn’t have a car, I would be going with Teegan, back toDoncaster.

The boys had persuaded me to let them ride with Cole, saying that he need man time, apparently Teegan and I were starting to brainwash him with our conversations and choice of music.

“You all packed?” Zayn asked, poking his head in the door.

I smiled at the sight of him. “No. I’m missing one thing” I said

He walked in, hovering over me “What’s that?”

“You” I said, grabbing his shirt and planting a wide kiss on his mouth. I had gotten my sling off after starting therapy last week. The physical therapy was hard, and I was still unable to move my arm past my elbow, but at least I didn’t have the restraint anymore.

He moan as I kissed him harder, pulling him on the ground next to me. “I would come with you if I could. Trust me I really don’t want to go home” he said pulling away, leaving me wanting more.

I gave him a sympathetic look as I continued to place things in my suitcase, and the one for Cole.

When Zayn’s parents had left at the end of their weekend, Zayn and his dad were not even speaking. Right before they left Zayn and him had had a scream match. Mr. Malik had seen the articles written about me and it had not helped his opinion on me. If anything it made him think of more and more reasons as to why I was not right for Zayn.

Since then Zayn has refused to speak to his father, he only spoke to his mom and sisters.

The articles hadn’t died down. There had been pictures that were realsed, private ones. Some of them didn’t bother me, but others, they got to me. I acted like I didn’t care, especially in front of Zayn. But deep down I knew these pictures, who had them. Teegan, Stan, and Louis were the only ones who knew. I didn’t have to tell them, they were in the photos.

Whenever Zayn asked me about it, I would change the subject. I would say it was dumb and that it could have been anyone, but it wasn’t. Eventually I was going to talk to this person, but even then I didn’t know what I would say.

“Your present will be arriving tomorrow” he said as he helped me close my suitcase.

“I told you, that dinner was plenty!”

He rolled his eyes “You think I would take your advice. I can’t let my girl have a birthday without a present.”

His girl, I loved the sound of that.

“LEAH!!” I heard, followed by footsteps running down the hall

Teegan walked in the room “Oh Zayn! Didn’t know you were here” she said. “Well we have to leave soon, you know how I like to hit the road early”

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