Chapter 22

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“Mommy!” “Leah! Get up” I heard as I stared to come out of my deep sleep. I rolled over to see Louis and Cole sitting on the edge of my bed. Louis let Cole run out of his hands and I felt him jump on top of me and snuggle next to me.

I gave him a big kiss and said “Hi baby! Are we excited for today” he gave me a big thumbs up, even though he probably didn’t know what we were even doing.

“We are meeting Dad at 10:30. So we have like an hour. How far are you in packing?” Louis asked

“Umm I have to just finish up my stuff and then pack for Cole.” I said as I rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the light in the room.

“Okay, well I can get some of his stuff together. Oh and by the way, I got a bed for him down there, so you don’t have to bring one” he said smiling wide at the last part.

“You didn’t have to do that, I could have brought one. I feel bad that you had to buy one” I told him

He looked at me and took Cole and placed him in his lap. “Well I figure that if you start coming down more often, which I hope happens, then you have less stuff to bring.”

I leaned over and gave him a big hug. “This means a lot Louis, thank you!” I told him, thinking of how far we had really come in the short time.

“Don’t worry about it, although this means he can stay with us, I didn’t buy you a bed” he said laughing walking out the door.

I laughed and said “Thanks, choosing my kid over your own twin, I see how it is”

He walked back into my room and peaked his head in “Can’t help it if he is more like his uncle, you know, basically the coolest person alive. Wait till you see some of the clothes I ordered for him.” He said finally leaving, while I laughed and started to pack.

Louis and I packed the car and said goodbye to our mom. Of course she was crying, she never got use to saying goodbye to Louis. I buckled Cole into his car seat as we drove towards the restaurant to meet our dad at.

When we got to the restaurant we noticed that it was crowded. Trying to go unnoticed Louis put up his hood and his head down as we walked into the restaurant with Cole.

We found our dad seated in a booth towards the back. When we got there he gave a huge hug to Louis, but when it came to me he just awkwardly pulled me in and gave Cole a rub on his head, which he didn’t seem to like because he then reached his little arms up and tried to brush his hair out of his face.

The lunch was awkward to say the least. My dad was more focused on Louis and how he was doing with One Direction. He asked me one question about school and just kind of brushed me off. Louis was trying to bring me into conversations but he just ignored me. Cole started fussing in his seat so I took him to go to the bathroom. I told me dad but he just waved me off, too deep in conversation with Louis to notice. Louis on the other hand gave me a look of deep sympathy, ‘at least he cared’ I thought.

I entered the bathroom and was changing Cole when some girls walked in. They were about 16 and they were both freaking out. “OH MY GOD! I think that Louis Tomlinson is here! OH MY GOD!” she shrieked.

The other girl was just as bad, “Do you think he will see us! Omg we have to look cool! Lets order some carrots to his table!”

I tried my best not to laugh as these girls were both freaking out, thinking that they had just thought of the best idea.

I finally let one laugh slip and they both shot around and stared at me with evil looks. “Sorry” I said when they wouldn’t turn away.

They rolled their eyes and walked out.

I stayed in the bathroom with Cole for a few more minutes and texted Zayn.

When I walked out with Cole next to me I saw Louis sitting at the table alone. “Where’s Dad?” I asked

Louis looked up and gave me a similar look that he had given me before. “He um, well he had to go to work, something came up. So he paid and left”

I looked away from Louis, and grabbed the sweatshirt I had brought in. “Okay, want to go?” I asked

I started putting on Cole’s jacket without waiting for an answer. I felt Louis touch my shoulder form behind. “Leah I’m sorry, I didn’t think that he would be that way”

I put the sweatshirt on, it was the one Zayn had given me the other day. I turned to Louis, trying to hold my tears back and said “It’s not your fault. The few times I do see him he usually acts like that. I’ve gotten use to it. Let’s just go” I said quietly.

Louis nodded, putting his hood back up and walking towards the door.

The car ride was silent for a while. Except for the small babble that Cole made from the back seat. I was wiping away tears as I tried to be happy. I had texted Teegan telling her that I was on my way. I also sent a text to Zayn, I was hoping he could get my mind off things.

“Don’t let it get to you” Louis told me when he noticed I was still upset

“I try, but it just isn’t fair that he treats me like this” I said quietly

“I know it’s not, but hopefully he will come around eventually” Louis said trying to sooth me

I just looked at him and whispered “maybe” and looked out the window.

I was almost falling asleep in the car when Louis turned up the music and started singing. He was driving but he was still going crazy. When we hit a bunch of traffic he would sit in his seat and do his infamous dance moves. “Oh no! not the pat the dog, screw the light bulb” I said as he started dancing.

He turned to me “Oh yes! it really hits home with the ladies”

“Maybe if they are blind!” I said laughing

I could hear Cole in the back laughing as Louis was dancing in his seat. “You You” he yelled as he fell into a another fit of laughter.

Louis turned around and said “You like that dance Coleton?”

Cole started laughing again as Louis then turned back to me, “See he knows that this one is a real winner! He’s gonna be a huge ladies man”

“Oh god! I am keeping him far away from you when he is older!” I said as I jokingly hit Louis on the arm

“What? I am a perfect influence” He said pretending to be offended.

‘Oh yes you are! I forgot to tell you about these girls in the bathroom. They were so in love with you that they were going to order carrots to our table, just for you! Real smooth with the ladies I see”

He started laughing “What can I say. The ladies give me what I want. If I say I want carrots I get the carrots”

I laughed and then he added “I tried to go for nice cars and watches but you know, can’t win them all, can you?”

We finished the drive in a much better way than we started. Pulling into the streets ofLondonI could feel the nerves start to set in. My palms were sweating as I thought about having to face Zayn. I had no clue how I was going to tell him, or how he was going to react.

I didn’t want to do this, not at all. I didn’t want to face the possible rejection, but I knew that if I wanted to move further in this relationship then he would have to know the truth. And I would have to be okay with whatever he decided.

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