Chapter 45

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I waved Stan in as he walked over to Cole. “I’m gonna ask Louis to watch him while I talk to you” Stan said, leaving the room.

This made me nervous, why would he not want Cole there, its not like he really understood what we talked about. My mind started to race as Stan reentered the room.

He sat on the couch opposite of me. His hands, steady in his lap, his eyes avoiding mine. “It’s out” he stated the two words simply.

“No” I let the words escape from my lips. I sat there, emotionless, staring at Stan. He had his head in his hands, shaking it slightly. When he looked up at me, our eyes met. “This has to be some sick joke. My night just keeps getting fucking better and better” My voice turned into a whine at the end.

“It’s being published in the morning. Some of its online now. Steve called here while you were at Zayn’s. He said he tried to stop it, but he can’t. I’m so sorry Leah, I know you didn’t want this to happen” he said sincerely

I just sat there, shaking my head “It sucks, for both of us, I know you didn’t want this either. We’re just going to have to deal with it.” I paused before saying “Have you read it?”

“No” he said honestly “I’m not sure if I want to”

Without a word I picked up my computer. Clicking on the news section of Google, I typed in ‘One Direction’. The first story that popped up had the title of “Betrayal, Backstabbing, and Babies for One Direction Mystery Girl.”  The next one said “Twin Sister and Best Friend: The Life Louis Never Shared” As I read though the titles they kept getting worse.

Stan, who was peaking over my shoulder finally made me click on one.

It read: “Recent pictures of One Direction singer Zayn Malik being spotted with a young woman and child now have answers. Multiple pictures of the woman, who had been referred to as ‘One Direction Mystery Girl’ now has a name.

Leah Tomlinson, 19 ofDoncaster. Leah is the twin of Malik’s One Direction bandmate, Louis Tomlinson. A source close to the band has confirmed that she is in-fact dating Malik.

The source also confirms a very rough pass between Leah and Louis Tomlinson. Prior to the formation of One Direction Leah and Louis had falling out. It is rumored that the falling out was due to her teen pregnancy. The child in the pictures is in fact her child, Coleton Tomlinson. He is said to be 18 months and the son of Stanley Lucas, Louis Tomlinson’s best friend. The relationship between the two was also part of the falling out process.

It has been said that Louis Tomlinson was furious with the intimate relationship between his sister and best friend, and he had forbid it. He was so angry that he shut her out of her life and his best friend. It was also said that Leah was raising the child on her own while attending college. Lucas, who attends the same college, was said to have rarely showed interest in his own child, and hardly ever put forth effort.

However it seems the two have mended the relationship. One week ago when Leah was stuck by an on-coming car that was driving on the wrong side of the road, the band cancelled all appearances and rushed to be with her. Louis was said to have spent all hours in the hospital with his twin sister, and Zayn by her side.

It’s reported that the child and Leah are living with Louis and bandmate Harry Styles in theirLondonflat where tensions are rising. Rumors are said that Louis does not approve of Zayn and Leah’s relationship. He is to have said that he has voiced his opinion that Zayn should not get himself involved in his sisters baby drama and that it would ruin his image and the band.

We can only image how the fans will react to this baby mama drama.”

“They make me sound like a whore! Intimate relationship? Once! We slept together once!” I yelled closing the computer.

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