Chapter 25

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I woke up the next morning to Cole making noises from his bed. I started to get up when I was wacked by a pillow. “I love him and all but does he know what time it is!” Teegan said with her face buried in a pillow. She had stayed the night because she was too tired to drive home. I rolled out of bed and looked at the clock.

“It’s 8:30, this is like a normal time for him. It’s not even that early” I told her as I walked over to Cole.

Teegan mumbled a few words before falling back asleep. I took Cole and changed him before leaving the room.

When I walked into the kitchen I found myself staring at shopping bags all over the table and counter tops.

“Morning!” I heard from behind me

I jumped a little bit before turning around “What did you do, rob a grocery store?”

“Yes that’s exactly what I did” he smiled before answering again “No I went out early this morning and got a bunch of food, I figured with you and Cole here and then Harry is coming back, that we probably should have some food in here”

“Well thank you, its nice to think that your guests wont starve” I joked

“I was thinking more of Cole, can’t have my nephew hungry can we?” he said reaching over me and tickling Cole’s cheeks.

I laughed, then I put Cole in a small seat that Louis had gotten for him.

After helping Louis unpack the food and feeding Cole, Louis went back to bed and I went to wake Teegan up.

I walked into the room holding Cole’s hand as he walked with me. I let go as he ran to the bed and pushed himself up. He looked over at me and I gave him a thumbs up before he laid on top of Teegan.

“What is this rock doing on top of me” she said with her voice still filled with slumber

Cole made a small laugh as she started to get up.

“Oh well, I guess I’m gonna just have to throw it off” she said before looking at me winking so I knew she was just kidding.

“Okay here it goes, 1….2….”

“Noooo” Cole said in his small voice before he broke out into a fit of giggles

Teegan then reached her hands to where Cole was and pulled him next to her “Oh I didn’t see you there!” causing him to laugh more

I walked over and sat down next to them. “Coleton what do we say to Teegan?” I asked him

“get up! We go pay” he said before standing up on the bed, holding on to me for support.

“Play time? Oh yes!” Teegan said throwing the covers off and grabbing Cole.

They ran into the living room where there was a big bag of Cole’s toys, some that I had brought and a ton that Louis had bought.

Teegan was playing with Cole when my phon started to ring. I looked down and say Zayn’s name flashing across my screen. I excused myself and walked towards the bedroom.

“Hello” I said with smile starting to break across my face

“Hey, I’m on my way now, I just left” I heard Zayn say.

Hearing his voice and his strong accent gave me butterflies in my stomach.

“Okay. How long until you are here?”

“Probably about 3 an a half hours. Depends on the traffic today though. But usually around that time”

“Okay that sounds good!” I said excitedly

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