Chapter 42

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Sleeping in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs had just added to this nightmare. Louis and I had eventually gotten off the floor from outside Leah's room and went back to the waiting room. As I had started to fall asleep I kept picturing Leah laying in the hospital bed, hooked up to the wires, covered in bruises and scrapes.

After a few hours of restlessness, exhaustion took over. But it wasn't long before I had been woken up. My eyes fluttered open to see Ms. Tomlinson standing over me.

"Zayn I know you're going to protest and tell me you are okay, but please go back to the house. Eat something, shower, sleep, anything." she said with caring eyes. She looked much better than yesterday, her face less red from crying, her eyes shining with hope.

As I started to tell her I didn't need to go home she took a seat beside me, placing her hand on my back. "I love you like I son. You know that. And I love that you love my daughter, but I promise you if anything happens we will call. Louis is going to go home too, I convinced him. Leah wouldn't want you cooped up here all day"

She was right, Leah hated people feeling bad for her and she hated just sitting around waiting. And a shower did sound very nice right now.

When I agreed I saw Louis walk over to me. He had keys in his hand as we went towards the parking garage. "I hate hospitals" he said as we were walking towards the car.

I didn't answer as he continued to vent "I've been coming here since I was a kid, visiting my mom at work and stuff. The place is nothing but sucksville"

I laughed slightly, agreeing with him. As we drive out of the lot I couldn't believe my eyes. In front of the hospital there were about 30 fans. Wearing One Direction stuff and holding signs of "get well soon! 1D family"

I looked over at Louis as he drove, keeping his eyes straight. I hoped the fans wouldn't notice us as we left.

When we got to the house I saw even more fans outside. We pulled up, gave a small wave and walked into the house. Screams were echoing though the walls as we closed the door.

"Hey" Liam said from the couch. Jay had said all the guys were at the house sleeping and that we could all come back together.

"Fans are dedicated, aren't they" Naill said coming down the stairs.

"Where did you guys get a change of clothes and stuff?" I asked noticing they had changed as I looked down at my outfit from yesterday.

"Steve dropped them off this morning. He said he wanted to talk to both of you when you feel up to it" Liam said.

I looked at Louis who turned to me and said "a little later. I'm gonna go take a shower" and then he tuned and went up the stairs.

I collapsed backwards onto the couch. "I saw her last night" I said

Liam and Niall both took those eye off of the TV and turned to me.

"How?" they asked

I took a deep breath and told them about the nurse letting Louis and I take a look. I told them about how she looked, and how terrified I was to see her like that.

I could feel myself start to get upset the more I thought about Leah. I excused myself and went to go upstairs to take a shower.

Walking out of the bathroom after a long and much needed relaxing shower I went into the unfamiliar hallway. Never staying at Louis houses before, I blindly opened one of the doors.

I felt my breathing become heavy as I recognized the familiar walls. It was Leah's room, I recognized it from the video calls.

I looked back into the hallway and didn't see anyone, so I walked into her room and closed the door.

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