Chapter 24

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I laughed as I heard a knock on the door. I knew it had to be Teegan so I walked over to the door but Louis beat me too it.

He swung the door open revealing Teegan, but then he quickly said “Sorry, wrong door” and closed it.

We all started laughing as the door finally reopened. “I swear to god Louis that if I had money for every time I wanted to kill you then I would be the richest person alive” Teegan said when she walked in. Her long blonde hair was straight and even more perfect than I remembered. 

Louis just laughed more and said “You love me Tee and we all know it. Why not just admit your true feelings”

She made a gagging motion and then turned to me and hugged me. “Teee” Cole yelled excitedly from my arms.

She reached over and took him from me. “How’s the most handsome man doing?” she said to him.

“I’m actually pretty good, thanks for asking” Louis said while he finished cleaning

I thought I saw her crack a smile before she said “I wasn’t talking to you Tomo, I was talking to Cole here. Plus if I was talking to you I would not have said handsome”

Niall then busted out laughing at Louis.

Teegan then turned around to Niall and looked embarrassed.  “Oh I’m sorry. Wow I must sound so rude. I’m Teegan by the way.”

“Niall. And don’t worry about it, we tease him all the time” he said pointing to Louis.

We all talked for a little bit before I noticed that Coleton was starting to fall asleep on my lap. Niall and Louis had helped me put the bed into the guestroom and get it all set up for him. I quickly changed him and laid him down for his first night in his ‘big boy bed’.

Niall and Louis had gone out to some bar while Teegan and I stayed at the flat.

“So how’s Zayn?” she said nudging me.

I blushed and started playing with my hair. “He’s good. I talked to him earlier. He said that he is gonna be home tomorrow. He sounded excited”

“Are you excited?”

“To see him? Yeah of course. I’ve been wanting to see him since he kissed me. But I’m nervous”

Teegan looked at me and smiled “You’ll be fine. If anything goes wrong then you’ll get over it. But if you ask me he seems like a really sweet guy and I think he will take the news fine”

I looked at her and said “So you think he’s sweet, how do you know?”

She looked away trying to avoid my eyes “I may have watched a few interviews and videos”

“Oh really! Says the girl who swore to me that you would and I quote ‘Never like One Direction because they suck and I can sing better’”

Teegan looked over at me and smiled holding her hands up in defense “Okay I admit it, I said that. But I take it back. They are good. They are so funny and, its not my fault they can sing, even Louis. But don’t tell him I said that.”

I smiled and sarcastically said “Okay I won’t”

For a while Teegan and I were just lounging around with y computer. We were going through old pictures and videos that I had saved on there.

“Omg look at this one! This was from your 18th birthday party! I can’t believe you are going to be 20 next month!” she said

I looked at the pictures, remembering all those times with my friends. Those were some of the last pictures I had with my old ‘friends’, that party was before they all found out I was pregnant.

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