Chapter 35

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I woke up in the morning with my laptop still open laying next to me on my bed. Rolling out of bed I walked over to where my phone was charging. I saw that Zayn had texted me saying "stayed on until you fell asleep. Have a good day at school love xx"

I could feel my heart flutter as I read it over and over. Only 2 days until I could see him in person.


I dropped Cole off at Stan's and then rushed off to class with no time to talk.  School was better today, with no encounter with Hannah.

After my first class I had a lot of time before my second class. I didn't feel like driving home and coming back. So I decided to go sit in the library. For an hour I work on a few projects that I had due before exams.     I felt my phone start to vibrate, pulling it out of my pocket I saw that Alyssa was calling me.

"hey hang on one second" I said as I got up from my seat and went outside the library to talk in the phone.

When I got outside I sat down on a bench in the hallway. "hey sorry I had to leave the library. Didn't want to get in trouble"

"haha it's fine, I've gotten yelled at for that before" she laughed

"so what's up?" I asked

"well Danielle and I were talking. We were thinking that if you come down Friday we should all hangout"

I was about to say something  but I was cut off by Alyssa saying “And don’t say that you have plans with Zayn, because they just told me that they have a last minute recording session”

I thought to myself for a second before saying “Sure! Sounds like fun, Cole will be there. If that’s okay?”

She squealed a little bit and then said “Great! He is so adorable. Anyway should we just meet you and Louis and Harry’s flat? I’m guessing that that is where you are staying?”

“Yeah, as long as the boys don’t care.”

“Trust me they don’t. I hangout there all the time when I am waiting for them to get home. They kind of like it because sometimes I clean it for them when I am bored”

“Okay. So I’ll probably leave here around noon and then I will get there around 3”

Alyssa got excited and said “Okay! I’ll tell Danielle. We’ll figure out something to do while we wait for the boys”

“Okay see you then!” I said before hanging up, agreeing to text her when I was leaving.

It was about 9 o’clock when Stan dropped Cole off, right on time. He knocked at the door with a sleeping Coleton in his arms. I didn’t want to risk the chance of waking him up so I ushered Stan to follow me up the stairs. After Stan tucked Cole into bed I met him in the hallway.

“Thanks, how was he?” I asked as we went back downstairs

“He was great, no problem at all” he said

I smiled, hearing that Cole was well behaved always made me excited. I liked to think I raised him well.

“Are you guys going to London this weekend?” he questioned

“Yeah, we are leaving Friday”

“Okay, I was actually thinking of going this weekend. Meeting up with a few friends. Maybe I will see you there” he said as he started to walk towards the door.

I nodded, wondering if I would see him.

As Stan walked outside I yelled for him. He was standing in the middle of the yard when I ran out to him. I handed him his sweatshirt form the previous day and gave him a small hug. “Thank you, again” I said as I pulled away

“No problem. It was the right thing to do” he said as he waved goodbye, getting into his car.

Before I knew it, it was finally Friday. After talking to Zayn yesterday, he told me that we could have dinner at his place after the recording session today. I also talked to Harry about hanging out in the apartment with Alyssa, and Danielle. I didn’t want to ask Louis because he probably would have told me that I only could if I cleaned his room. Harry assured me that the girls did it all the time and that it was perfectly fine.

The drive there was smooth, except for Cole. He had gotten car sick when we were about 20 minutes to London, to far to turn home. I quickly drove to the apartment complex so I could clean him up.

Pulling into the garage and parking in one of the visitor spots that Louis had gotten reserved for me, I got most of the bags before heading upstairs. I didn’t need as much stuff for Cole this time because Louis had bought toys, clothes, and other necessities I would need on my weekend visits.

Opening the door, I could hear laughter fill the rooms of the flat. “Hello?” I questioned as I stepped further in.

“Leah! You’re here” I heard a voice say, recognizing it as Danielle’s.

I saw them both come out of one of the rooms and head to the foyer. They were about to hug me when they both gasped. “oh gosh, there is some, um, well there is puke in your hair” Alyssa said when Danielle stood there silently.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I realized Cole had thrown up again.

Danielle and Alyssa both reached out and took the bags I was holding as I excused myself. I walked into the guestroom, looking at myself in the mirror. “Gross” I whispered to myself.

I quickly changed Cole, Putting his shirt and other clothes in a pile to be washed. I put him into a warm bath, hoping it would make him feel a little better.

When I finished I was going through my bag when I heard a knock at the door. “Leah?”

I said come in and say Danielle walk in. “Hey, do you need any help?” she asked sweetly

“I think I’m fine” I mumbled, stilling searching through my bag for the medicine.

“Leah, you’re cover in puke. Why don’t Lyss and I watch Cole for you while you shower” she suggested

“It’s fine, plus I wouldn’t want him to get sick on you” I said. I was bad at letting people help me. With Cole, I felt like as a mother it was my job to do everything, not making people pity me.

Danielle simply looked at me, and took Cole picking him up into her arms. She put her hand out for the medicine I had finally found. “I’ve got it. You shower” she said giving me a smile

“But-” I started to object

“Zayn and the boys will be back soon. Wouldn’t want him to see you like this would you?” she questioned.

When I didn’t answer she closed the door and said “Thought so”

I smiled to myself as I got into the shower, I was happy to have people around who cared. For me and for Cole. Now I just had to wait for Zayn to get home.  I could feel the butterflies in my stomach start to flutter as I thought about seeing him.

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