Chapter 17

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" hey love I was letting you know I'm on my way to the restaurant"

" okay good how you feeling"

" nervous as hell" I said truthfully

" well don't be, try to be more positive about this"

" ugh .... okay I'll try"

" good I love you, I'll see when you get home"

" alright love you too" I said hanging up the phone.

Every since my biological dad decided to show up in my life a couple of weeks back, things have been a little shakey.

Mainly for me. I always wonder about my dad from what he look like to what he do.

As a little girl before Shane came into the picture I use to cry in my sleep and praying to God that he will bring my father into my life.

Now that the time has come I was anxious about this meet up.

We have been texting on and off after my mother gave her disapproval and my father Shane.

But I'm grown and I make my own decisions.

I found a parking spot at the Italian restaurant, I had already reserved a table so I was seated quickly.

To waste time I pulled out my phone texting Malia.

My good sis/cousin was married and living the life I want.

Me and Avant will get their one day☺️.

We met through a mutual friend at a party

Of course.

But he was very persistent about me and was / still is a sweet talker.

🍫Brook: Just got to the restaurant🙃

Bestie 🥰: Girl relax, you got this. A moment you have been waiting for.

🍫Brook: thanks bestie

2 hours later

He was still a no show, I text him an hour ago and he haven't responded.

I guess my parents were right, especially my mom.

" excuse me would you like to order now ?" The waiter for my table ask me.

" um no ma'am I think I'm gonna just go" I pulled out 10.00 dollars

" I'm sorry I kept you waiting"

" oh no keep it"

" no it's fine" I said passing it to her before leaving the restaurant.

I drove to the person who I knew who would cheer me up.

" Baby girlllllll, what's going on witcha"

At the moment I wanted to cry. Even though he's not biologically mine he was happy to see me.

Why I couldn't I get this same energy from my real one.

" you wanna go to my office" he said in all seriousness.

I only nodded my head.

We walked to the back where I sat on his nice comfy couch.

" lemme guess he didn't show up" he said with a straight line on his face.

I nodded.

" I'm so hurt right now, how could he do that to me" I said laying my head on his shoulder.

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