Chapter Nine: What... Just Happened?

Start from the beginning

“Yeah,” I said quickly.

“Come on.” Liam said flatly, wrapping his arms around me and helping me out of the car. It was strange, the feeling of leaning on him and having his arms around me, but it was a good strange. Damn I really have it bad for this guy.

I limped inside, leaning most of my weight on Liam since I could put almost no pressure on my right leg since one of the guys had stomped on it. Other than that it was just a few cuts and bruises and a sore neck.

Jules hurried in front of us and swung the door open, stepping out of the way and allowing Liam and I in. I looked around the living room and saw the boys sprawled across the floor sleeping, just as Liam had said. If I wasn’t in pain and so wrapped up in the fact that Liam was being nice, I would have probably laughed at the sight. They looked like idiots the way they were laying.

 “Where’s my Mom?” I asked, noticing how quiet it was.

“She went out to lunch with a friend then she had to do some errands. Won’t be back until dinner.” Liam mumbled quickly, staring at the floor as if evaluating how to get around the sleeping idiots and over to the couch.

“Boys get the fuck up!” Jules’s loud scream pierced my ear drums making me wince.

“As if enough didn’t hurt.” I mumbled rubbing my temple. Jules shot me an apologetic glare as the boys were opening their eyes and letting out groans.

“What was that for?” Harry grumbled looking up at Jules.

“You are all so lazy.” She scoffed.

“We haven’t gotten much sleep in the past five days love. That doesn’t make us lazy.” Niall said not as crankily, but still not looking pleased. I couldn’t stop my smirk. He so likes her. If that was me, I’d be dead.

Louis shifted from beside Harry and opened his eyes trying to adjust to the light. Zayn still hadn’t moved. Jules immediately marched over and kicked him, not too hard, in the side.

“Oi… what was that for.”

“You ditched us.” Jules said and crossed her eyes narrowing down at him. His eyes flew open and he shot up.

“Wait, what? What time is it?” He asked frantically looking around. Before anyone could answer his question Harry let out a loud gasp.

“Oh my God Alex what happened?” He asked, jumping to his feet and running over to me. I felt Liam’s grip around me tighten and my face grew slightly warmer. Liam put his hand up to stop Harry from getting to close to me.

“Give her some space, just help me over to the couch with her.” Liam said. The others’ attention was now focused on me as they all staggered to their feet to get out of our way. Zayn immediately came over to me the second Liam sat me down onto the couch. He kind of pushed Liam out of the way, earning a hard glare from him, but he was too concerned with me to notice.

It's More of a "Hate, Hate" Thing... (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now