Chapter 50

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It wasn't only me who was taken aback by the sudden loud entrance of our new visitor at The Brew. When I craned my head over Chaz, who for some reason hadn't turn to look, unlike everyone else in here including Drake. I saw a very familiar site that instantly warmed my heart.

The firey red mane of my best friend immediately caught my eye, and a huge smile spread across my face at the mere site of her. As soon as she crossed the threshold she immediately started scanning the room only stopping once she locked eyes with me, who to her credit was still partially hidden by Chaz.

For a split second I was tempted to duck back behind Chaz, not really  wanting to drag my best friend into whatever today was. But I quickly squashed that idea, if there was anyone I  needed right now to get me out of this situation, it was Terri.

I don't know what possessed me to come out here with Chaz, I was quickly realising I didn't owe him anything. I had started a fight with Roman for this, I had gone against what he wanted, just because I was on my high horse about him not telling me what I can and can't do. I had ignored my wolf all day, just because I knew she would point out exactly what I was now realising. Roman was only looking out for my best interests, and I should have known that, I should have trusted my mate.

Looking over to Drake who was back to watching me like a hawk, I smiled warmly knowing he was also there to look after me, I was feeling so lucky to be surrounded by so many people who genuinely cared for me.

I now just needed to get Roman to forgive me for acting so childish. But for right now that only person I could fix things with was my wolf. I could feel her still frantically scratching against the barrier I had put up since entering The Brew. She had been scratching away ever since, trying desperately to get through to me probably more than ready to give me a piece of her mind for shutting her out.

As I sat there watching Terri navigate her way through the coffee shop making a bee line for my table expertly dodging around the other tables and customers, I decided to let the barrier down a little between my wolfs mind and mine in a bid to test the waters.

But as soon as I moved the barrier by no more than an inch my wolfs anxiety, sheer panic and terror washed over me, it was like being dumped head first right into the centre of a frozen lake. The sensation was that overwhelming to me that for a second I couldn't make out what she was screaming at me.

But once I did that didn't make it any better.

"ROUGE!" she howled again frantically throwing herself at what was left of the barrier between us.

I instantly leapt from my seat like it had caught fire, my heart slammed painfully against my chest a cold sweat broke out across the back of my neck as I frantically searched the coffee shop not knowing exactly what I was supposed to be looking for.

What did a rouge look like exactly? I didn't know. But what I did know was that I had to get Chaz and Terri out of here right now. During my searching I had inadvertently alerted Drake to my distress, who was currently trying to catch my attention with his ridiculous arm movements again bringing the attention of everyone in the place directly onto us.

With our cover completely blown now anyway I almost ran to Terri, without even a word or a glance towards Chaz. I grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her over to where Drake was now stood.

"Drake meet Terri, Terri met Drake" I stammered out before running off again, leaving a very stunned Terri and Drake in my wake.

Then I with what could only be describe as launching myself back into my chair, in front of a very surprisingly normal looking Chaz despite my actions.

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