Chapter 49

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Stepping through the large wooden door of The Brew for the first time in a month I had subconsciously prepared myself for something dramatic to happen, but honestly I wasn't disappointed in the slightest when nothing did, except of course the familiar bell above the door announcing my entrance. But luckily we were so used to that going off that everyone that worked there had gone deaf to it.

Taking in my surroundings I was glad to see that the place wasn't as busy as it normally was, there were a few people at the counter and a couple more dotted about the seating area, but that was it. I wasn't proud to admit it but when I walked in past the service counter, I used my long brown hair to shield myself from whomever was stood there. It was a strategy I had used often through out my life, but not so much recently.

The hope was to make it to one of the tables in the back without drawing too much attention to myself, so I used my hair to hide behind, as I scurried keeping my head low, and my eyes down cast to the floor hoping not to make any accidental eye contact. I knew that if I hadn't blocked out my wolf before entering, she would be going ballistic inside my head at my obvious show of submission.

Funnily enough as I headed towards the back my body almost automatically carried me into the staff room, just on pure muscle memory alone. I almost laughed out loud just imagining the faces of the staff and even grumpy old Mr Lewis, if I just waltzed back in there as if nothing had happened.

In reality though I'd never actually quit my job at The Brew, I also hadn't officially been fired.  But maybe I was meant to take that as a given, after a month of not showing up to work. I made a mental note to remember to ask Terri what had happened to the few belongings I had stored in my locker there was nothing of great importance, but it was still my stuff.

Once I'd made it to a suitable table. I slid easily into the worn dark leather seat of the booth, instinctively I chose the side that allowed me to keep my back against the wall yet I could still watch the door, for some reason keeping my eyes on the exit had always made me feel safer in uncomfortable situations.

Unfortunately Chaz almost immediately slid in front of me blocking my direct view , but at least it was someone I could duck behind if I saw someone coming that I wanted to avoid.

"So do you know what you want to order?" Chaz questioned pulling me out of my strategical escape planning.

That's when the realisation dawned on me, I couldn't walk up to the bar and order my own drink. I wasn't even nearly ready for the onslaught of questions and whispers that I knew would come my way if I put myself out in the open like that. Not only was I worried about the questions regarding my disappearance, but also the questions and pitiful looks that I knew I would receive regarding my parents deaths.

I felt a hard lump form in my throat at the mere thought of them, the pain was still so raw that I had to fight back the pin pricks in my eyes that signalled tears were about to make an appearance.

"Emma? Are you ok?" Chaz asked the concern  evident in his sky blue eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine it's just...." I trailed off not really sure how much information I could give, or even wanted to give Chaz.

"You can tell me, I'm a great listener" Chaz beamed brightly putting me somewhat at ease.

I paused as I wrestled with my thoughts. I was tempted to bring down the barrier between my wolf and I just to get her opinion, I could feel her scratching desperately against the wall to get free and I was starting to feel bad for locking her up. But I really didn't want to put up with her right now, with everything else that was currently going on. So I decided to leave the barrier where it was for now and prayed she wouldn't stay mad at me for too long after this was over.

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