2 - It is really you

Start from the beginning

My first day went smoothly until it was time to go home. It was raining hard and I didn’t bring my umbrella. I was frowning as I slumped on the highest step of the staircase. I forlornly looked at the students passing by me. They were all happy to go home with their umbrellas or raincoats.

I was looking around with a bored look on my face when I noticed a girl sitting on the opposite side of the staircase. If a line were to be drawn between us, my side would be looking dark while hers would be bright despite the weather. She was eating a sandwich that seemed to be truly delicious from the way she was eating it with gusto. She didn’t mind the stares that she was getting from the other students passing by between us. She kept on eating her sandwich happily until another girl approached her and they went home together, leaving me behind.

From then on, I started harboring a crush on Chaeyoung. I kept on stealing glances from her whenever she was anywhere near me. But I never had the courage to befriend her. I never even tried to talk to her. She looked far from intimidating but I never found the courage to approach her until it was a few months to go before we graduated in high school.

I was picked to represent our class for a school presentation. It was a dance number and I was almost disappointed when I was paired with Lisa, one of Chaeyoung’s best friends. But I realized that Lisa was the only way for me to get close with Chaeyoung. So, for the very first time, I put more effort in becoming friends with a girl. It wasn’t that hard anyway since Lisa was a fun person. And I was happy when Chaeyoung and I became friends later on.

But I was a bit annoyed when almost the entire school started shipping me with Lisa after we presented that dance number in front of everyone. It was not only the two of us in the dance so I didn’t understand why they picked only our pair to tease. If they shipped me with Chaeyoung instead, I would have loved it.

I got happier when Chaeyoung and I became closer during college. We enrolled in the same major, opening up more opportunities for me to get close to her.  And we did became closer, closer to the point that I sometimes offered to send her home after hanging out for a bit after class without her minding it.

Only when she disappeared, I started doubting how much closer we’ve gotten.

I replayed the video two more times before I rushed to my car. I went to Seokjin’s diner, hoping to get answers from the questions that started popping on my mind after realizing the situation.

“Hyung!” I exclaimed, barging in the diner’s kitchen.

Everyone inside turned their heads at me, including Seokjin who was stirring a soup when I came. He gave the ladle to his staff and asked me to follow him to his office.

When we got inside the office, I immediately bombarded him with questions.

“Are you sure it was her? And where is she now?”

Except for Taehyung, the rest of the hyungs didn’t get to meet Chaeyoung. But they all knew the story too well since I talked about her a lot even after what happened between us. And I showed them some pictures of her and the two of us together. Up until now, those pictures were still saved in my phone in a separate folder.

Seokjin answered with a knowing smile.

“I knew it! You’re still hooked on her after all this time.” He placed his hands on his hips and faced me with a smug look on his face. “Is that why you’ve never really been in a serious relationship?”

“Hyung, that’s not important right now. Just tell me where she is.”

“Actually, I don’t know. She already left.”

Someday Soon ¦ rosekookWhere stories live. Discover now