the queen and some scheming

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The small black gun rested in my hand

"I was going to kill Julia"

" why"she sighed.

"I don't know...."god what's wrong with this girl now she's driving me crazy.

"Are you kidding me?"

"It's a long story..."this time she sighed heavily and looked around.and dodged the question


We reached the meadow where the whole company was gathered. Emma waved for the groom to fetch the horses.

"Let's have a walk ,shall we?"she offered I nodded accepting her offer.

Soon we reached a a extremely beautiful spot a not so small stream was there in the middle of the forest. Light was coming through the trees forming canopies a small wooden bridge was also built over the stream catching our attention. I asked Emma to stop here for some time and perceive it's beauty. I saw her she leaned on the bridge railing and looked down with a sad expression.

"Pearl,I don't know where to start...... I guess it all started two years ago. I visited palace on behalf of my father,Mats was there at that time. He was so gallant,so caring. don't laugh, but he made me feel like a princess, like I was the best and the only woman in this world. But the time passed,he became colder. I thought it was because of his business. They had a run of bad luck...but yesterday......"

Emma's POV---


"It's nothing difficult. Julia always takes the downward path,right?" Mats said.


"Listen to me! this is an air pistol,and she has a nervous horse. You fire. The horse Will jump and most probably, will fall off the cliff. Then you throw the pistol into the water. The pellets are dark and small,so no one will pay attention to  them. That's its an accident. They'll never know it was you, understand "it explained his nasty plan without any fear or danger visible on his face.

"Mats I can't just kill a person! "

"Emma don't be such an idiot! I'd do it myself if I was invited and you still didn't manage to to get me in,so it's upto you!"he tried to manipulate

"No! I.... I can't! don't make me!"I cried

" You'll do what I tell you to! it's important, damn it!"he yelled at me

"But.....but!let me go! let me go!"

Pearl's POV---


"Before he could reply my you barged in. And the rest of it you know...."Emma finally completed her tale. but still one thing wasn't clear.

"But Emma, what's his motive behind this,why would he want to kill Julia?"I asked my doubt out loud

"I can't say, really. He often asked me to do small things...but he never told me why"she said softly with an apologetic expression.

"But you do have ideas, right?" I asked trying to link his acts.

"I think she's somehow a threat to his business"

"The best thing is to set Adam on him. It's his job to nail down the bad guys"I suggested being logical.

"No please don't..."Emma immediately protested against the idea being scared of that scum

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