The Queen at the death's door

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"this is war"Richard said and a heavy silence fell in the room

"But....why?"I asked.

"I have no idea. The letter sounds like 'you know why' so I suppose they think we started it"Richard answered

"Right now what bothers me is the one who paid for Pearl's death"Adam said concerned

a chill ran down my spine making me shudder. Richard stood up in one swift movement, kneeled in front of my chair, and pulled me close to his chest. From the corner of my eye I saw Adam turn away, clenching his teeth.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I'm so sorry...."Richard said in my ear. Trying to stop my fingers from shaking , I buried my head more into his chest and exhaled.

"Richard, we need to find who hired the mercenary before we leave." Adam said interrupting us to which Richard nodded.

"Leave?" I asked confused peaking from Richard's embrace.

"Do you think we'll leave the declaration of war unattended?" Richard asked raising a brow "Tomorrow morning I've to be in Ahar, handling this issue."Richard said

"But, why you, why not the king?" I asked more concerned about his safety.

He stood up, smiling joylessly" my father is too sick for that. The fight, negotiation in an unfriendly country.....this might kill him" I felt silence, digesting the Information "alright. Adam, you have about twenty hours to investigate the assassination and then we're going."he declared.

"I'm going with you" both of them turned and started at me like I've grown two heads."and don't you dare say no to me"I declared"are you going to leave me with someone who tried to kill me?"I said trying to make a reasonable reason for me to accompany them.

"Told you. Once she gets an idea in her head, there's no way you can stop her" Adam said glaring at Richard.

"Pearl, do you realize where we're going?"Richard asked sternly.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not staying here. And i won't leave you in trouble. Why am I supposed to let an violent emir get my fiancee?"I fired back

Adam smirked at Richard teasing him whereas Richard tried to bang Adam's head on the wall before being all serious again" alright. Then I suggest you start the investigation right now"he ordered Adam and then turned to both of us" and I want to see both of you tomorrow at the airport. No delay." Adam and I both nodded.

"Yes, boss. Come on, Pearl, let's find the jerk who wanted to kill you" Adam said and before leaving the room I hugged Richard and he said a small good luck before letting me go.

"Don't you want to change first? that's not the comfiest outfit for our task" Adam said when we're about exist through the hall of the guest wing.

"Yes right.... gimme a couple of minutes"I said and went straight to my room."let's see what we have here" I muttered and fiddled through my clothes and finally decided to wear a comfortable pair of white pants and a black crop top paired with sports shoes and a denim jacket.

"let's see what we have here" I muttered and fiddled through my clothes and finally decided to wear a comfortable pair of white pants and a black crop top paired with sports shoes and a denim jacket

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