The queen and the first danger

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"pearl I didn't expect you were betting on me like I'm a racehorse"he blamed me disappointingly Nd guilt washed over me even though I didn't take part in the bet.

"But Richard...." I tried to defend.

"Ladies I'm asking you to stop this foolishness and if you are still not convinced, atleast try to avoid myself or the press knowing about it"

"Press?!"Emma asked shocked as much as I was.

"Some reporter has already dragged this article to his editors. Do we really need this fuss in the court"he snapped at her.

"Your highness,we offer our sincerest apologies"Wilma apologized not looking even a bit sorry. "It was no more than a mistake on our part"Emma added.

"Let it be the first and the last of it's kind.pearl, join me for a second, please" I nodded

When we left the stables Richard sighed and looked at me half angrily and half sadly.

"Pearl you're not accoustomed to the local rules. Most of the people here are good hearted but not all of them. Don't let them drag you in their dubious affairs"I genuinely felt bad and in an instant apologized to him for this"It's okay.i know it's a whole new world for you. While we're on this subject.....what did you bet on?"

"I didn't"I told him honestly

"You abstained. Pearl I'm frightfully sorry. You're the only wise person out of the whole set.thank you,I thank you with all my heart"he caressed my shoulder and smiled

"Richard do you mind me asking something?"he nodded encouraging me to ask away"Richard,do you love Julia?"

"I..... Julia is a good match.her family is strong and all the nobles know her. Her house is rich and she's the only heir and she was well trained to rule"he stammered but still smartly Dodged the question

"But this isn't the answer to my my question I was asking about your feelings towards her" I asked specifically

"Pearl,why are you even asking this?"

"I'd just be happier knowing you were going to be happy with her."I said quite honestly

"You to be happy?"he was looking shocked as if no one ever asked him about his own feelings

"I do"

He slowly bent forward and as though scared of his own thoughts backed away.

"If julia is a good Queen, I'll be happy. That's the most important thing" he said with no emotion displaying in his eyes.

"But if the whole thing is so complicated for you, why did you father resign now?why didn't he wait until your marriage"I asked.

"He had.....his own reasons. I'm not sure I can tell you that. I'm sorry.i hope one day all will be clear and I'll tell you everything.but not today"

"Okay......Well atleast he had a reason. I'll leave it alone for now"he smiled like thanking me not to force him for explaination

"Pearl, now lemme ask you something.right now you're the only person in the palace who I can trust, except for Adam,I mean....... It's going to sound dreadfully posh,but pearl,will you help me become the king?" he said holding my hand

"I'll try my best but what do you want me to do"I asked not sure what to do as a prince is asking me for help as he can have anyone experienced.

"The wedding and coronation are scheduled for the end of the July. Your task is to stay here untill then"

"That's it? just to stay here?"I was shocked seriously that was it.

"You'll also travel with the court, take part in the events and listen very carefully"

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