The hatter's party

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"hooray!!!our slavery is over"I said entering our apartment, knowing it's the beginning of summer break

"Congrats!! To both of us I can't believe it's over"Meghan said smiling.

Megan is my best friend she's the most enthusiastic and positive person I've ever met.we both are different and similar in many aspects She without a doubt beautiful her heart shaped face was perfectly framed by her naturally straight hair but artificially highlighted unlike mine well I'm not a make up or hairdo type of person but the only thing I'm passionate about is outfits I would rather like to spend my money on clothes rather than cosmetic products which end up irritating me and my sensitive skin but she love this. I once had tried using make up but my skin said no, so I concentrate more on keeping it healthy naturally.

"Well..... over until September"I said thinking of getting back to work soon.

"Still it's three months of being completely free"she tried to cheer.

"And thinking about our theses"with this I reminded her of all the work we have pending.

"Girl, don't be boring now."she grimaced.

"Maybe, if your student advisor was....." I said indicating towards someone.whereas she just tried to shush me.

"This summer is going to be the hottest of our college life.... There will be parties, hot boys and tequilas... And we're starting right now, have you heard about the high line." I raised a brow.

"What about it?"

"Pearl, you're so out of the loop" she face palmed. "they're going to have a FANTASTIC party today" she squealed making me flinch. "and you are coming" she said with authority making me obey her and I straight went to my closet taking out an outfit for the occasion. I chose pink to be my colour tonight.

"Well you're going to need a hat and it has to be a killer hat and you're lucky I'm taking care of you because I made a perfect one for you"
With that megan opened her wardrobe and dove in headfirst.

"Somewhere in the box..... Ahaa" she mumbled and took out a collection of amazing hats and a couple of wigs.

"What's with the wigs" i asked looking at all that stuff she just kept on display for me

"Trust the artist,'s going to be fab.......try 'em on maybe one of them turn you into a queen" she said again leaving me confused. "There's gonna be a competition best hat gets the prize, simple. A DJ I know told me the is going to be absolutely epic so choose wisely and quickly"she explained and with that I put on a hat with some leaves, feathers, with delicate rose petals along with a tiny butterflies in it.

 A DJ I know told me the is going to be absolutely epic so choose wisely and quickly"she explained and with that I put on a hat with some leaves, feathers, with delicate  rose petals along with a tiny butterflies in it

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"Look who nailed it on the size! who's the girl?" She exclaimed looking at me

"You're the girl"I answered her question making her smile.

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