The Queen under suspicion

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"you're under the suspicion for stealing the dawn , pearl"Adam said worried and concerned.

"But ...... it's gonna be okay, right? I didn't take anything from Don chenuto"Adam frowned and turned to Richard.

"I'll go and talk to Daniel .will you look after pearl?"Richard nodded.adam came a bit closer to me and touched my shoulder in a friendly gesture and frowned again giving a short nod to both me and Richard before leaving.

As soon as the door closed behind adam Richard turned to me with a warm smile, making me go insane.

"Thank you for coming yesterday. I was so glad to see you....and to talk in private" listening to him I felt the colour coming to my cheeks.Only now I noticed people casting glances at us and whispering,I saw Richard squirming uneasily.
"Unfortunately I can't give you all the attention that you deserve.but perhaps you'd be interested in meeting the members of the court?"I smiled

"I guess so...thank you"I said

He cheered me up with a smile and stepped aside.ummm..... whom should I talk to?soon I saw a familiar face and felt relief I think I should go to Alva afterall she looked innocent last time even though she was with Julia.

"Hey Alva"I greeted


"I'm so glad to see you here. Everyone is unfamiliar here except Richard...."I tried to initiate the conversation.

"Yes, I understand. I'm sorry but.......... I've to go." She quickly withdrew leaving me puzzled well that was odd maybe she's still worried about the peter statue incident but she seemed extremely nervous.

I headed to a wall at the far end of the room and leaned against it feeling fatigued. Everyone is so weird just feels like something is not quite right. But what exactly?

While I was trying to piece it together in my head suddenly I felt someone touching my arm.

"I found you finally"

"Emma,I was beginning to worry about you"I said

"Same here are you okay?"she asked with slight worry in her eyes.

"Kind of......but I need to ask you something" she nodded encouraging me to carry on."Alva was a bit peculiar, she shied away from me as if I was a ugly suitor"

"Maybe she's still thinking about that Peter incident"she tried reasoned out

" That's kind of what I thought but the thing is that I was the one who came up to her"

"I really don't know Pearl maybe try talking to her later"

"All of this worries me..... I've this feeling that someone is trying to set us up"I said

"I'm feeling that too. What do you think we should do?"

" Maybe we should talk to chenuto"I suggested.

We sneaked down the corridors back to the interrogation room finally we found him there and also the door war slightly open.carefully peaking in from behind it, I saw chenuto's back. He was talking on the phone, emotionally waving one hand.

"My bella, the rose of my garden, Don't cry everything will be fine"

Emma pressed her body so close to mine that I could whisper in her ear without turning my head.

"Who's he talking to?"I asked her in a whisper

"How the hell I would know?"she whispered back in annoyance

"Yes I understand . Of course, where is it now?no no. Not there keep it for now, I'm begging you . I need just half an hour , please, Alia, be patient" chenuto interrupted our stupid conversation

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