Secret message

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Opening the lid, Boulder poured out a rolled-up, what we assumed was the formula. As he unrolled the paper, all eyes were watching it very closely.

"What? This can't be.." he began, his words seeming to drift off into the air, then biting his lip nervously.

"What is it bud?" Graham asked, coming around his shoulder. "Huh, that's strange, it says 'April Fool's'."

"What?!" Heatwave exclaimed, "Are you sure? There has to be more!"

"That's all there is... just 'April Fool's'," Boulder repeated, turned the paper to him.

"Does that mean that Blueband's in trouble?" Blades asked, "Was this all a joke?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out why," he growled, starting to stomp off.

"Where do you think you're going?" Chief sternly asked, coming behind him.

"I'm going to confront Dr. Morocco. I need to find out why this was all a joke." He angrily met his harsh gaze before hastily walking away.

"You'll need someone else to go with you. I don't want to lose another member of my team, and to think your team might lose their leader?" He stopped, turning back around. Everyone seemed to sadden at his words. I hated my team thinking that they'll lose me.

"Fine," He heaved a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Chase, you come with me." He waved him over. He and Windbreaker glanced worriedly at each other. 

"What if Chase gets hurt?" Windbreaker pleaded, frowning. "I wouldn't be prepared to lose him, he's too important to me."

"Fine, then Blades you come with me." He groaned, and they sighed with relief.

"Why me?" Blades cried.

"Because you're the one who most cares about Blueband." He insisted.

"Dr. Morocco!" Heatwave shouted, now pounding at Dr. Morocco's door.

"Yes?" he asked, cracking his door open slightly. "Oh how lovely, it's the Rescue Team leader and his little buddy!"

"Hey!" Blades exclaimed. "I'm not little!" Dr. Morocco did nothing but snicker at his comment.

"Tell me," he began, "what can I do for you?"

"What did you do?" He demanded, puffing his chest out and standing taller.

"Whatever do you mean?" he asked innocently, stepping out from his door and closing it behind him.

"You know exactly what I mean." The team leader growled. "The formula?"

"Oh yes the formula!" the doctor admitted, finally seeming to connect the dots. "Oh that was just a little funny joke."

"But what did you do?" He repeated.

"What did I do?" he asked himself. "I just needed to get some stuff done, that's all. Now the question is, what did you do? Your poor old teammate has completely changed. Not to worry, I'm taking care of her."

"Blueband!" Blades gasped quietly to himself, his eyes going wide.

"Hmmm, yes, Blueband." he continued. "I must admit she was getting in the way of my work, but I might be able to fit her into my plans."

"What plans?!" he demanded, stepping forward abruptly.

"Oh you know, the usual. Taking over the town, maybe the world," he casually replied, sending shivers down his spine as he turned his gaze to him. " studying your forms."

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