Digging deep

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Blueband started directing the headset set up, as instructed by Ratchet. "Make sure this piece goes there and that piece goes here." he emphasized more and more as he repeated it more. Once the setup was done and everything looked to be in the right places, she asked if everyone was ready. They all agreed, except Windbreaker and Chase, who looked at each other with worry.

"Will you be joining us Windbreaker and Chase?" She asked, speaking louder.

"Don't worry about me Chase, I'll stay here to make sure everything goes smoothly." Windbreaker reassured, placing her hand on his cheek. He nodded, holding her hands as he left her, still relinquishing the last touch. Since having lunch with everyone, the two seemed to be lovers now, sneaking glances at one another and holding hands often.

"I'll come." Chase announced, glancing back at Windbreaker.

"Good." She nodded, looking around the room at the Burns family and Windbreaker. "Chief, it's in your hands now." They all sat down in chairs in a circle, then the Burns family aided them in getting the headsets on.

"Good luck Blueband, I'm sure you'll to great." Cody cheered, after helping her with the headset. She smiled, though she was shaking on the inside. The next thing she knew, she was standing in the middle of Griffin Rock, though physical memories of the team went about their day as normal.

"This is your mind? I personally thought it would be a hospital." Blades thought aloud, looking around.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what I expected either, and this is my mind." She agreed, gathering near.

"There's a formula we're supposed to find, but where do we look?" Chase asked. He had a good point, the so-and-so 'formula' could be anywhere.

"I say we start looking around." Heatwave said, already starting to walk forward. We came to a library they wouldn't find in Griffin Rock. Entering into the library, she found no one at a desk in the middle, and the library was completely empty. Blueband picked up a random book, flipped to a page and started reading. As she did, she realized this library held everything in her head. The book she held was on the anatomy of the human person, which she studied at June Darby's instruction. She passionately felt that the apprentice needed to both know how to care for humans as well as bots, which she was greatly thankful for to her. She brushed her hands against the spines of the books as she searched for anything on going into one's own mind, going deeper and deeper into the library. She stopped at a section titled, Mental Health, and started browsing and pulling out books when she heard someone speak.

"So glad you could join me, the other half of me." a voice purred behind her. She whipped around, coming face to face with her.

"Good to see you too, whatever your name is." She bitterly replied.

"You don't know my name? Pity, you should, because I'm you, remember?" she teased. "You can just call me something evil like Bad Doctor or something like that." Blueband turned back around, looking through all the books she pulled out onto the table. "I heard you're here for that formula of Dr Morocco's, is that right?"

"Yes, we are." she nodded, not bothering to look up at all.

"We? Oh, that's right, you brought your team with you." she thought aloud, leaning up against the bookshelf. "Oh, is your boyfriend here? You'll have to introduce me to your team, I'm sure they would just love me."

"We both know well that Heatwave is not my boyfriend," She retorted, putting aside a few books, then opening up another one. " and don't you dare pull tricks on my teammates."

"Oh, but, you wish." The other half of her circled around her to be face to face with her. "You've been trying so very hard to just be friends with him, and yet he just didn't seem to be getting the hint, up until you spilled the beans. Then you two really connected after that."

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