The Dark Valley

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a/n: this doodle is kinda how I imagined dark Blueband and I was inspired by Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde anyway enjoy 


Careful not to wake anyone, Blueband put on a coat Dani lent her, and quietly slipped out the door. The moon hung low in the night sky, and with its light she made her way to the dock.

She arrived, glancing around to see if anyone was watching. She walked to the wooden dock, listening to her footsteps.

"Glad you could make it, Blueband. I was worried you would forget." Dr. Morocco stepped out into the light, hands placed behind his back in a dignified way.

"Good to see you too, Dr. Morocco." She replied stiffly.

"Why so sour? I thought we were beginning to be friends." he teased, stepping closer to her.

"You know as well as I do that that's not how it is." She said. He just smiled evilly.

"You have it?" He asked. She nodded curtly, pulling out the small smoke bomb from her pocket and tossing it to him. "Good. Now what can I do for you?"

"How do I undo what you did?" She asked grimly.

"Mind you, it's not so simple, but I'll give you the first clue." he mysteriously explained. "Reach into your mind."

"What?" She gasped.

"Reach into your mind." he said slowly, putting emphasis into the words he spoke.

"What does that mean?" She asked, frustrated that he wasn't giving her a straight answer.

"You tell me, you're the one who's supposed to figure it out. I'm surprised you're asking so many questions." He calmly replied. "Now the side effects will make one more... human. The longer you wait, the deeper the roots will run." She looked down and sighed. She looked back up, and once again, he disappeared without a trace. A cold breeze brushed past her face, and she looked to the horizon. The sun was just peeking up from underneath the sea. She stuffed her hands into her pockets, and started walking towards the station.

"Reach into your mind." she mumbled to herself, tapping her pen against her chin. What could that possibly mean? Does he want me to think hard? To reach down into my spark? She sighed and set her pen down by her paper, scribbled with random notes of what it could mean and what they could so to undo this mess. She sat in the comm room, taking notes on anything that came to mind about the matter.

"Reach into your mind?" Raf repeated.

"Do you guys possibly know anything about what it could mean?" She asked, hoping to find some sort of clue if she contacted Optimus's team.

"There is one thing," Ratchet started, thinking aloud. "But it is very dangerous and I worry there will not be a good outcome."

"What is it?" She asked, her excitement rising in the hope that she could win her team's favor once more.

"You may have to enter your own mind, literally. Bumblebee completed this task, but we almost lost him in the process. All you simply need to do is connect one being to another with the machinery of some sort. It may sound simple, but it is very risky and dangerous." The medic explained.

"Is there an easier way? Or at least a safer one?" She asked, fearful that the outcome will be worse than their current situation.

"I'm afraid not." Ratchet shook his head sorrowfully.

"When you've got what you needed, get out of there and let us know that you're okay, okay? Or else we may have to come for you." Miko threatened playfully, despite she was as scared as she was.

"And bring back something cool for me, okay?" Raf asked.

"Be safe, Blueband." Jack said, and the screen went black.

"Hey team, I have something I need to tell you. This includes everyone." She commed, worried her team won't approve of her decisions.

"Go ahead." Heatwave replied. She took a deep breath before beginning to explain.

"I found a way to undo the holoform condition." She stated, and then she was greeted by sighs of relief and cheers.

"That's good! Right?" Blades asked, and heard a few of her team-mates sigh.

"Yes Blades, that's good." Boulder chuckled lightly.

"There's a downside to this though, a really, really steep downside." She said, making sure her team-mates understood her.

"What's the downside?" Chase asked.

"There's a formula we have to retrieve but, in order to retrieve the formula, someone has to step into my mind." She explained. Everyone went silent.

"What's your plan?" Chief asked. "This is your mind we're stepping into, so you take the lead."

"First we'll need to do more research on it, and then once we're fully ready, I'll give you the notion to take the lead." She replied.

In her room, Blueband glanced at her mirror as she passed by, noticing something different. She stepped back before the mirror, taking a good look at herself. Purple eyes stared back at her, and her scrubs were blood-stained.

"Oh, how silly you are, Blueband." She clicked her tongue disapprovingly, making her jump back in surprise that her reflection spoke. "Always so naive, don't you think? Even your boyfriend thinks it's rather silly." She laughed loudly, filling up the room with her mocking.

"Who are you?" She demanded, making sure she stood straight. "And what do you know about a boyfriend?!"

"Oh, don't you recognize me? Surely you would recognize your other half, don't you think?" She purred. "Oh, and as for your boyfriend, I thought you would've recognized him. He's quite a handsome one, isn't he? I think you made the right choice darling." Her face grew hot with embarrassment and stepped back. Then she recognized her. She was a twisted reflection of her, loving everything that she hated and hating everything she loved. She didn't even bother to at least make herself presentable. Gross. "I know what you're thinking, why doesn't this woman clean herself up? Well, honey, I like to think of these as my, per se, accomplishments." she smiled mischievously.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" She growled, standing tall to hide her shakiness.

"Dr. Morocco was right, you do ask a lot of questions." she thought aloud. "You must've gone soft when you met the Burns family, oh what a shame. I do wish you went back to your old self, I much better prefer working alone."

"What do you mean? I'm still me!" Blueband exclaimed, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end.

"As I said, you've gone soft. You used to think about things before you said anything, now you just blurt things out," she noted, disappointed in her changes. "Too bad you haven't blurted out your feelings for your team-mate yet, it would be so enjoyable if you embarrassed yourself in front of your entire team." she laughed. "I do enjoy making you spin in circles, darling, but I've got to go. Tell you what, I'll tell you a story before you go beddy-bye." She cleared her throat before telling her story.

"Once there was a beautiful princess, with a lovely castle and lived in a happy family. When she became a young woman, she fell in love with a prince of the opposite kingdom. The prince loved her as well, and they planned to get married. One thing: her family hated his family. And you know the best part? They both died! And even better, they did it to themselves!" she laughed, wiping tears from her eyes with joy.

"What? That's a terrible story!" She exclaimed, then she blinked tears out of her eyes, and her reflection changed. She no longer was blood-stained and purple-eyed, but just herself. She put it into the back of her mind and went to bed.

a/n: this is just basically evil Blueband and Blueband talking to each other if you were confused (:

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