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Snacking on some popcorn, he plopped down on the couch, and kicked his feet up on the coffee table.

"Kade, we're about to have a team meeting." Heatwave announced, leaning against the wall next to the damaged tv. At first he didn't recognize him, still not used to seeing his holoform.

"Now? I just sat down!" He whined, throwing his head back. I really didn't want to get up.

"Yes now! And you can get up lazybones!" his partner barked. Something was off with him, and I'm betting it was something to do with our newest team member. It seems like when he's upset, it's either because and I quote,"Blueband this" or "Blueband that!"

"Is this something to do with Blueband? It seems like you talk about her awfully a lot, is there something between you two?" He asked coolly, sitting up and putting his bowl of popcorn on the table.

"What? No! I can't believe you would say that. She just messes up a lot." He said, surprised at the thought and dare I say offended?  "Anyway my team can't transform into our automobiles because I think Dr. Morocco did something to our systems." 

"Dr. Morocco? He seemed awfully quiet for awhile. I was wondering when he would show up." He thought aloud. He got up from his spot, and grabbed his popcorn before he walked out. "How did you get back anyway? Wouldn't you have to walk?" He asked curiously.

"No, we rode with Blueband. She came to our aid." his partner stated.

"Oh, so she saved you guys? Seems like you guys need to step up your game." He snickered, tilting his head away while peering mischievously at him.

"No. She came to our aid. We could've gotten out of there just fine. And you better stop before I wipe that smile off your face." He threatened.

"Okay big guy." Kade shrugged and smiled.


"The Rescue Bots won't be able to transform into their automobiles," Chief stated.

"What?!" Cody, Danny, and Graham gasped. She looked at Kade, who didn't seem surprised at all by the news

"Yeah, and we think Dr. Morocco caused it," Boulder said, who brought the smoke bomb to show the team. 

"But how?" Graham thought aloud, picking up the bomb to inspect it further. Everyone thought for a while, stuck on how Dr. Morocco did it. Then in the silence, she heard a quiet ticking, and alarm shot through her.

"Does anyone hear that ticking?" She spoke up and glanced around. Everyone looked up at her, confused.

"No, I don't hear ticking, perhaps you're just hearing things," Chief suggested kindly.

"Maybe you're just going crazy." Kade snickered, obviously joking.

"No, I'm serious, I think there's a bomb in the room." She said, panic rising through her and shaking her through to my fingertips. 

"Oh yeah, and I can hear colors." Kade teased, and everyone shot him a look. Blueband took out the device Dr. Morocco gave her, and fear froze her solid. A timer was on the small, round screen that was on 1 second. She quickly chucked the device across to the other side of the room, as far as possible, just in time for it to explode in mid-air. She heaved a heavy breath, sighing as she did so. 

"We should get rid of what Dr. Morocco left behind, it could explode like that device did." Heatwave suggested, looking at her suspiciously like she was Dr. Morocco's spy. Embarrassed, she stared at the ground, still feeling his gaze on her.

"We need it though, it could help us figure out how we got into this mess, and how we can undo it," Boulder said.

"Good point. I'll let you keep it, but you have to keep it in the base underneath us. I don't want any of us getting hurt." Chief instructed. "And good job being quick about that, Blueband." She looked up at him, and smiled slightly.

"I think that was luck, sir. Next time I might not be so lucky." She said, thinking back to all the times her old teammates have gotten blown away on the field, and worse. She shivered at the thought.

"Next time, we'll be prepared." He said confidently, hopeful in our success. 


"Team, come meet our new team member in the garage" Heatwave commed. Already? It seemed only a few moments ago Heatwave announced that a new team member would be joining us, and now they're here. He put his bookmark on the page he was at and shut the book. Heatwave didn't specify about their new addition, just that they were getting a temporary team member. He made his way up to the garage from the bunker, and found himself caught off guard by an unexpected presence. A good distance away, talking with Blueband, stood a confident woman. Her hair was neatly put back into a messy bun, and her amber gaze froze him in his spot as she glanced at him. His spark started beating at the speed of light, and accelerated as she walked over to him.

"Uh, I'm uh, Windbreaker." she stammered, holding out her hand towards him. Oh. My. Gosh. She's beautiful!

"Uhhh...." He began, starting to get lost in her warm gaze.

"Your name is Chase." Boulder whispered in his ear and brought him back into reality.

"Uh, yes, my name is Chase." He repeated, shaking her hand.


She stared at Chase, who seemed to be lost, just stared at Windbreaker. The two seemed awfully awkward around each other. Even Chase's face was red as a tomato. "I think I know what's going on here." She murmured into Blades' ear, who looked at her mischievously.

"Me too." he giggled.

"Shush, she's coming back." She said, watching Windbreaker maker her way back to them.

"Uhm, why are you all in your holoforms?" she asked quietly.

"Oh, it's such a long story! It wouldn't be good if we overwhelmed you, so let's save it for later! How about a tour of our humble abode?" She laughed loudly, wishing to save their, her, embarrassing story for never. She guided her with her hand, showing her first the bunker.


"Uhhh, Chase? Chase!" He called softly, waving his hand in front of his face. He seemed blind and deaf, still staring pleasantly at the space before him, despite Blueband had led Windbreaker off to start their tour. "Chief Burns?" He called.

"Yes Boulder?" he replied, coming near them.

"I think something's wrong with Chase, he's not responding." He asked unsurely, looking at his team-mate.

"Oh, I think he's just surprised, though I've never seen him like this before." He thought aloud, scratching his chin.

"You think he'll be fine?" He frowned. Just then Chase blinked once, looking around.

"Chief, what's wrong?" he asked. Boulder heaved a sigh of relief, knowing he would be perfectly fine.

"It's nothing to worry about, Chase." Chief replied, chuckling once.

"And that brings us back to the garage!" Blueband announced. The tour must be coming back.

"How about you go help Chief with dinner? I need to go talk to Blueband." He suggested, guiding him away from Windbreaker. Once out of sight, he turned to Blueband, who was walking towards him.

"Have you found anything out from the bomb?" She asked quietly.

"Not much, the bomb was just a smoke bomb." He replied, lowering his voice.

"Hm." She thought aloud, furrowing her eyebrows. "Maybe I should go talk to Dr. Morocco, we could work something out."

"And Ratchet said he didn't know anything about it, right?" He asked. She shook her head. "How about we talk about it later? We have a guest we need to welcome." He suggested, referring to Windbreaker. She only nodded slightly, still unsure.

edit 1: 1/6/20

edit 2: 3/23/20

edit 3: 5/21/20

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