That Ended (Not) Nicely

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Skirting to the side, a light blue and white femme scrambled away, with Decepticons right on her tail. "This isn't what I meant when I wanted to be out in the field Ratchet!!" she exclaimed, transforming into an ambulance slightly smaller than the Field Medic. "Well, you asked for it!" Ratchet grumbled on the intercom. "Maybe you should be more careful about what you wish for!" Blueband swerved into a dark room in Megatron's large sky-ship. "It's called joking!" she argued quietly, pressing her back against the wall. "I'm kinda busy right now being pursued by a Decepticon!" She forced her spark-beat to slow, breathing in and out deeply. A clank-clank-clank like noise sounded behind her. The pedsteps stopped at the door, but then move on past her frozen statue. "Fine, I'm on my way." He sighed, and she released the heavy breath she was holding. "Thank you, Ratchet," she said under her breath, her breathing returning to normal.

"So, tell me how this all happened again?" Optimus asked, sitting down in front of Ratchet and his apprentice. "Well..." Blueband began, thinking back to this morning.

"Hey Ratchet, Uhm, do you think you think I could be out in the field more?" she asked, twiddling her digits as she glanced at him. "Hm? Oh, yes of course," he replied without turning from his work. "In fact, how about we go now. I need to go to Megatron's ship to grab something we left on our last mission." "Why now? And why are you so enthusiastic about this? I'm not gonna have to go out there by myself, am I?" Blueband joked, following him as he walked from one place to the next. "Exactly! Now chop chop, no time to waste! he replied happily, and her expression dropped. "Oh no, Ratchet I was just joking!" she whined, "I can't go out there by myself! I'll get slaughtered if those Decepticons even see me!" Ratchet just rolled his optics, then turned back to opening the ground bridge. "Oh hush, you won't be going alone, I'll be standing back and watching." She groaned, watching the ground bridge swirl into existence.

Blueband stepped out quietly from their hiding spot, very cautiously placing her pedding. She glanced around her, finding not one Decepticon patrolling the halls. She then glanced back at Ratchet, who motioned with his servos to keep going. She nodded grimly, slipping into the room. She looked about on the floor, then found what she was looking for, a small flash drive containing previously downloaded information. She peeked out the door, quickly dragging herself back against the wall as a Decepticon just entered the room. They walked forward, looking about the room like it heard something. Blueband lifted the flash drive to her faceplate, tilting it towards the light. As she did so, it slipped out of her grasp and clinked as it hit the floor. The Decepticon spun around the face her, and she froze as she bent down to grab it. She stared at them, then snatched up the flash drive and made a run for it. An alarm sounded, and more Decepticons joined the chase.

"I see... Blueband, perhaps it is time we should transfer you somewhere quieter." Optimus thought aloud. "What?! No! Please no! I can be better! I'll work harder!" she pleaded, standing up. She looked to Ratchet, who looked up at her with an emotionless expression. "We've already decided you will be going to a small island called Griffin Rock," he stated softly. "Since when? I literally just got back! If... I may ask." she exclaimed, beginning to pace. Optimus thought for a little bit before giving his answer. "... Planning," he said. "So you mean to tell me that you've been planning my death for a while huh?" she asked, raising her voice as she paced more and more. "Don't-" she added before Ratchet could reply. "For a while, yes." the medic pursed his lips. "But!-" she began, being cut off by Optimus. "No buts. You will be safer on Griffin Rock until we decide you are ready for the battlefield." She sighed, giving up her attempts to stay. "Fine... Who's my team then?"

"Blueband, this is Chief Charlie Burns and his team. Meet Heatwave, Blades, Boulder, and Chase. Their partners are Kade, Danielle, Graham and Chief Burns is Chase's partner. Cody aids them from the watchtower." She stood silently beside Optimus as he introduced the team. "Blueband specializes in human and bot care." He nudged her with his elbow, and she blinked her light blue optics, putting her servo on the back of her neck. "Right, yes." she cleared her throat and spoke quietly. Just then Ratchet spoke on his comm. "Optimus, we need you back at the base. Now." Optimus's formal expression saddened, and he sighed lightly. "Right, I'm needed back with my team. I trust you will welcome her into your home." And with that, he went back into the open ground bridge, leaving Blueband with her new team. The bots' team leader, a red firebot, stepped forward, and the team's new medic snapped her visor on. "As you heard from Optimus, my name is Heatwave. You'll need your visor just for emergencies." he introduced himself, holding out his servo towards her. "Right, of course." she relaxed, pulling off her visor and taking his servo. They shook, and a small object on Chief's shirt sounded an alarm. He mumbled a few words, then looked up at the team. "Team there's an emergency at the bridge. Let's move out!" he announced, then looked to Blueband. "You too Blueband! Cody you can ride with her and show her the ropes" Cody pumped his fist into the air, and she transformed. He hopped in the passenger seat, right next to a brown-haired female. "Uh, Blueband, who's that?" he asked nervously, edging away from her. "Hm? Oh this is my holoform." she explained, and the girl seemed to mouth the words perfectly. "What's a holoform?" he asked again, relaxing. "I'll explain later," she stated, and pressed harshly on the gas, speeding off.

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