Magician's Magic

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"Wakey wakey! You wouldn't want to miss the main event, now would you?"

Blades startled awake, Dr. Morocco staring right into his face.

"Ah!" He screamed, jerking my chair back slightly. His hands were bound behind him with large metal cuffs, so were his feet.

"Oh, good. You're all awake." he commented. He looked to his side, seeing that everyone was awake.

"Now that you're all awake, I'd like to let you know that I've just spoken with your dear friend." He purred. Heatwave growled, struggling to get out of his bindings.

"It's not Cody or any of the Burns, is it? If it is I'll rip your-"

"Heatwave!" Chase warned, giving him a stern look.

"Oh no dear rescue bots- or should I say, humans? Quite a disguise you've got there. Perfect for me to test on and study." Dr. Morocco chuckled, standing in front of all four of them.

"No!" He whined, already thinking of what he would do to them.

"If you'd let me finish, I could tell you who I've just spoken with." he growled, specifically at Blades, who shrunk down fearfully. "Anyway, I'm getting off topic. I've just spoken with Dr Blue, is it Blueband? She seems quite a sweet addition to your team. It'll be a test of whether or not she'll actually come to save you."


She arrived soon enough, being thrown off by the unexpected location. In front of her was a simple telephone box. She pulled beside it, and her holoform stepped out. Was I supposed to call at any point? Whether or not she was supposed to she was still curious if the old machine still was in operation. She picked up the phone, and dialed in the number heavily imprinted by fade on the buttons. There came a steady ring from the phone, and a click sounded.

"Glad you could join us, Blueband. I'll send for you right away." a voice sounded, and hung up.

"Okay?" She thought aloud. She placed the phone back in its proper state, and a quake emerged from the ground. Soon the ground beneath her began to sank, leaving her holoform to stray from the automobile. The floor ceased its shakiness, and she stepped out, meeting Dr. Morocco.

"Why didn't you come to the door yourself? It would have been more civilized if you had done that rather than letting the floor sink beneath me." she retorted, a few chuckles emerging behind him.

"Well you see, I couldn't leave my guests behind to fend for themselves," He explained coolly, stepping to the side to reveal the four 'guests' he held in his lair.

"Glad to see you guys still think I'm funny, or else I'd be afraid I would lose you." She remarked, relieved to see her teammates unharmed. "Now, I believe I came to take care of some business. Dr. Morocco, let my teammates go and we can talk about what you need from me."

"Oh, I'm afraid you're mistaken Dr. Blue, I only wanted the chance to show you what I've been working on. I know how much you're interested in my projects." Dr. Morocco explained, coming face to face with her.

"Well, you've lost that interest. I saw what you did to the townspeople." She stated bitterly, frowning her eyebrows in disgust.

"Oh you're just making things fun now. Thank you, Blueband." he said, throwing down a bomb, smoke bursting from its seams and blocking her sight of vision. Soon the smoke cleared, and Dr. Morocco was replaced with two keys. 

"Well he's no magician." She sighed, picking up the two keys and trying them on the hand cuffs, then the foot cuffs. 

"Yeah, that's for sure." Heatwave laughed, rubbing his wrists after the cuffs were removed.

"Thanks for coming Blueband, I was starting to worry you wouldn't come." Blades thanked her, watching her unlock the rest of the locks.

"Why wouldn't I? You're my team." She replied, stretching her back after crouching down.

"I wonder what this is?" Boulder thought aloud, picking up the smoke bomb. 

"And why Dr. Morocco left it behind?" Chase added.

"Whatever reason he has, could we just get out of here? This place is starting to give me the creeps." Blades suggested, shivering as he held himself.

"Yeah, we should probably get out of here, the Burns might be wondering where we are. Wouldn't want Cody to worry." Heatwave agreed. Softie.

After arriving at the station, She tried transforming into her automotive mode. She couldn't.

"Hey, uh guys? I can't transform back." She announced, stepping out of the ambulance. 

"Yeah, I can't either." Boulder said, walking over. 

"It seems like none of us can." Chase noted.

"Yaaaaay! I get to be a human again!!" Blades shouted joyfully, running up to them.

"But we won't be able to help out in emergencies anymore." Heatwave bitterly reminded them.

"Hey Boulder, do you still have that smoke bomb? Perhaps there might have been something in it that turned us, well, 'human'." She asked, thinking aloud.

"Yes, I do! In fact, it should still be in the trunk." Boulder said, brightening up.

"Good, do you think you could get it?" She asked. 

"Woah woah hold up, I'm the leader here." Heatwave growled, making her step back a little. Well you haven't spoken up bud. "Boulder, you go get the smoke bomb." Boulder nodded, disappearing out of sight to go retrieve the bomb. She put her hands in her pockets, feeling a small object. She pulled it out, realizing it was the device Dr. Morocco had given her. "Hey what do you have there?" Heatwave asked curiously.

"Ah!" She jumped. "Uh, this is a device Dr. Morocco gave to me when I was out. It was supposed to allow him to come to my aid when I needed it. Turns out it wasn't." She explained sheepishly, showing the small device to him. 

"Taking bait from our enemy and getting us into this mess?! You're in trouble now!" he growled, looking like he was getting ready to tear her to scrap. Boulder returned with the smoke bomb,  and Heatwave backed off. 

"Team, what's going on?" Chief Burns asked, joining us.

"Chief, we are no longer able to transform into our automotive forms, so we are stuck in our holoforms." Chase explained.

"And we think Dr. Morocco caused it. He left this behind." Boulder added, referring to the smoke bomb.

"That's what I was afraid of when Blueband joined our team." Chief Burns sighed, furrowing his eyebrows together. "Alright, well I'll announce it to the rest of the team, then we can take our next step of action." 

edit 1: 1/6/10

edit 2: 3/23/20

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