Falling Apart

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a/n: yaay I was finally able to draw Windbreaker for you guys I hope you like it


"Team, we've got an emergency at the dock." Chief announced over the comm

"What's the situation?" Blueband commed, her voice barely audible over the alarm.

"A car is on the edge of the dock and it's on the verge of falling off, and the current is strong this time of year." he explained on the way.

"Got it." she replied.

When they arrived, Heatwave and Kade immediately began to grab the ladder to retrieve any passengers they could, with Dani and Blades overhead, ready as well. Boulder and Graham raced to the dock, helping to steady the passengers as they came onto sturdy land. All was well until the car suddenly slipped, one passenger still within the car. Without thinking, he jumped into the water, diving down deep into the cold water towards the passenger. He reached out for them, and they grabbed his hand. He gasped for air, only to intake more water, then blackness was starting to overcome his. He felt gone for a moment, then after coughing up water he came back to life. He heard sighs of relief around him, and he opened his eyes weakly up to the light. All around him was his team, but it was Windbreaker who caught his attention. 

"Here, you'll need this. You need it more than me." she said, wrapping it around him. His spark started beating again, and his face grew hot despite the rest of him was cold.

"Uh, I um, thanks." He stuttered, butterflies flying around in his stomach rapidly, her scent and gaze encompassing him wholly. 


"You're seeing this too, right?" Blades murmured in her ear, eyeing the couple suspiciously.

"Mhm, I'm totally seeing what's going on here." Blueband replied in the same tone.

"Good, because we might need to step in a little bit." he offered.

"They most likely won't do anything." She thought aloud.

Heatwave cleared his throat, giving them a warning look. "How about we get you somewhere warmer, okay Chase? I'm sure Blueband would be happy to take a look at you." They all shifted, and she helped Chase up to the ambulance.

"I'm think you'll be fine Chase, as long as you keep warm until you dry off." She said to him. He nodded slowly, still stuck in her coat's scent.

"I suggest you return Windbreaker's coat if you're going to want to keep warm." Heatwave suggested, a low growth beneath his voice.

"Oh, are you a doctor now, Heatwave? Why don't you take my responsibilities for today? I'm sure you would be oh so great at it!" She sarcastically said, raising her voice.

"Look, I'm just saying he should return her coat!" Heatwave defensively yelled.

"He'll be fine either way!" She growled. She was sick of him always getting into her business.

"It's okay guys, I'll return her coat." Chase cut in softly, removing her coat and getting up to return it to her. 

"Look what you did! He's scared of you!" She whined.

"Well if you wouldn't mess up so often we wouldn't have this problem!" He yelled. She widened her eyes, heart broken now. The one I tried so hard to be friends with clearly hated me

"Hey, what's going on?" Chief asked protectively, coming over to check on them. She turned her head to the side, and brushed her hair into her face. She didn't want him to see that she was broken. 

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