You're fired

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Blueband and Cody arrived shortly after the others did, just in time to see Heatwave's holoform hop out of his vehicle mode. He ran towards the building that large flames danced in before Kade stopped him and threw him his coat. "What's he doing?" She thought aloud. "There's a little boy who got stuck trying to get his stuffed animal," Boulder replied, whose holoform was helping Graham douse the fire with Kade. "Blueband, be prepared to help." Chief Burns alerted them.

"Got it." she said, hopping out, "Cody you stay in here." She began walking towards the couple who stood at the opposite end of the street.

"Is everything alright?" she asked gently. They nodded, both having been shaken by the sudden fire.

"One of our firemen is going in to get him, he should be out shortly." She assured them, smiling kindly, yet her spark was pounding out of her chest. They nodded again, relieved to hear someone was going in to get the boy. She walked towards the house, with wobbly legs, the flames becoming lesser now.

"Heatwave come in, is everything alright?" She commed, watching the fire lessen gradually. She heard nothing but coughing and grunting.

"Kade he's not responding." She shouted over the water being forced upon flames. He nodded and handed her the hose while he and Chief Burns ran into the building among the smaller flames. Soon they returned with Heatwave's holoform between them and the boy with a stuffed animal, who held Chief's hand in one hand and held his shirt up to his nose in the other, and a Griffin Rock ambulance arrived as well. They walked up to her with a raised eyebrow, until she explained. They nodded, and they took the rejoined family to the hospital. That left Blueband to care for Heatwave's ash-dusted holoform, who fainted from the lack of oxygen.


Heatwave awoke softly, still keeping his eyes shielded from the fire. But there was no fire. Just an oxygen mask that was pressed gently against his face.

"How is he doing?" a voice asked.

"He's doing alright, just inhaled a lot of smoke." another voice replied, one nearer to him.

"I knew that bucket of bolts wouldn't be properly ready." the first sighed. He groaned, pulling himself from the trance he was in.

"I don't think Heatwave likes it when you call him a bucket of bolts." the second voice laughed lightly.

"Why didn't you tell him?" they asked.

"He wouldn't have listened to me." the first replied. They were both silent for a while. "He might have listened to you if you told him he wasn't ready. Sure he would have bared his teeth at you but he wouldn't have gone in to save the boy." the second thought aloud, their voice soft.

"He probably would have." the first agreed. "Wait how did you know? I'm his partner!" they exclaimed.

"I think about things, and I pay attention to details. Surely you would know he would have done that, you said it yourself that you're his partner. You two are very similar, you know?" the second explained. "He'll be fine Kade, don't you worry," they said after a moment of silence, "He'll be back to his normal self before you know it."

"Fine, just make sure you tell him not to ever do that again." the first sighed.

"I will." the second said as the first walked away. Heatwave's eyes snapped open as he gasped for air and sat up quickly, the heart monitor quickening its pace as his spark beat did.

"Where's the kid?!" He exclaimed, remembering that the child was last in his arms.

"In the hospital recovering with his family," Blueband explained.

"Who got me out then?" he asked, removing the oxygen mask from his face.

"Chief and Kade, once the fire died down enough." She replied calmly, sitting back after taking the oxygen mask from his hands and putting it away. "Speaking of Kade, he wanted me to tell you that-"

"I know, I heard your conversation." He interrupted, looking down at his ash-stained hands.

"Oh," Blueband said quietly, peering down at her arm. "So, how do you feel?" she asked, after a moment of silence.

"I feel alright, besides feeling really dirty. Man ash really sticks to you when you sweat." He replied, attempting to brush off the ash from his arms after he rolled up Kade's jacket sleeves. Blueband giggled lightly, and he laughed lightly but started to cough.

"I recommend that you get at least an hour of fresh air in your holoform per day, to help clear out the smoke. It should take about 5 months to clear out." She said after his coughing fit. "Oh, and I'll try not to make you laugh too much," she added, smiling sheepishly.


After the team had settled in long after the emergency, Blueband announced she was going to the dock. When she arrived, no one was seen there with her. Her holoform hopped out, and she leaned against the front of the ambulance.

"My, what is a young woman like you doing out here by yourself?" Blueband spun around, smiling when she saw him. "Dr Morocco, how nice to see you!"

"It's nice to see you as well Dr Blue," he replied with a smile, "how have you been?"

"I've been well," she admitted, "but Heatwave doesn't like you. How have you been?"

"So it seems," he chuckled, "I've been well too, busy though."

"Another big project?" Blueband guessed.

"Yes, but I wanted to meet you here for another reason." he explained, pulling something from his coat pocket. On his palm was a small, circular device with a button on it. "Here, you can take it. It's a signaling device. Press the button when you need my help and I will be right there."

"What about just calling the police?" She asked while she studied the small device.

"Well the police would be fine, but I have special technology to get to you very quickly." He said, straightening his tie then stuffing his hands in his pocket.

"Ah, I see." Blueband thought aloud.

"Now, I'd love to chat more," Dr Morocco said, "but I must be getting back to my project. No time to waste." They bid each other good bye, and he was off. She put the small device in her pocket, and returned to base.

"So, had a nice visit?" Heatwave rasped as soon as she walked in.

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